Unit 1: The Basics of Geography Chapter 4: Human Geography
Chapter 4, Section 1: Culture
What is Culture? Total knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors shared by and passed on by members of a specific group. – Food – Religion – Education – Government – Entertainment – Language
Culture Race vs. Ethnicity – Race: physical characteristics (skin color) – Ethnicity: heritage (where you came from)
Language Dialect-versions of a language – You guys vs. y’all – Shopping cart vs. buggy – Pop vs. soda Lingua Franca- the main language used for government and business purposes
Religion Monotheistic-belief in one god Polytheistic- belief in many gods Major Religions: – Hinduism – Buddhism – Judaism – Christianity – Islam
Chapter 4, Section 2: Population Geography
Birth and Death Rates Birthrate- number of live births per thousand population Fertility rate-average number of children a woman would have in her lifetime Mortality/death rate-number of deaths per thousand people Infant mortality rate-number of deaths among infants under age one per thousand babies born. Rate of natural increase = population growth rate
Population Pyramids
Chapter 4, Section 3: Political Geography
Territories of the World State-independent unit that occupies territory (land) Nation-group of people with a common culture living in a territory Nation-State-nation and a state occupy the same land
Types of Government Democracy-citizens hold political power Monarchy-ruling family (king/queen) holds power and may/may not share this power with citizens
Types of Government Dictatorship-individual or group holds complete political power Communism- government and economic system, nearly all political power and means of production are held by the government in the name of all the people.
Chapter 4, Section 4: Urban Geography
Urban Areas Cities-centers of business and culture Suburbs-built-up area around cities Urbanization-rise in the number of cities Land Use Patterns Residential Industrial Commercial