Noun Memory Procedure Encoding in scanner Children generated verbs for nouns Finger tapping as control task Subsequent recognition memory 2 AFC:lake-leafcamera-candle
Sentence Recognition Procedure Encoding in scanner Children heard 5 simple stories, 10 sentences long (listening to random tones as control task) Subsequent recognition memory Say “Yes” or “No” if they heard the exact sentence in the story Verbatim: The frog was scared and hopped in a cup. Gist: The frog jumped in a cup-he was frightened. Distractor: It was a sunny day in the country-side.
Noun Recognition Results No age differences in number of nouns correctly recognized (older = 88%; younger = 82%). SM Effect for Both Age Groups Left inferior frontal gyrus (BA 45) Left middle temporal gyrus (BA 21), but not MTL SM Effect for Older Children Left cuneus (BA 19) Left lingual/inferior occipital gyrus (BA 18)
Verb Generation & Noun Recognition 7-8 year-olds
Verb Generation & Noun Recognition year- olds
Sentence Recognition Results Older children remembered significantly more sentences from the stories (67%) than younger children (45%, t(30)=2.16, p<.05). SM Effects for Both Age Groups Posterior MTL (parahippocampal gyrus) Left superior and middle temporal gyrus SM Effect for Older children Left inferior frontal gyrus (BA 44/45) Left hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus (BA 35)
Story Listening & Sentence Recognition 7-8 year-olds
Story Listening & Sentence Recognition year-olds
Conclusions: Noun Memory Left PFC was broadly involved in episodic encoding of verbal memory. No hippocampal or parahippocampal involvement. Could reflect minimal MTL involvement in tasks that do not involve configural encoding.
Conclusions: Sentence Recognition Both age groups showed a SM effect in left posterior MTL, but only older children showed correlated activation in anterior MTL, the hippocampus proper and ventral prefrontal cortex (BA 44/45). Suggests brain-based age differences in children’s ability to engage in effective semantic rehearsal and configural encoding, such as using memory strategies (Bjorklund & Douglas, 1997).