Curriculum Integration or ITI What is Integrated Thematic Instruction (ITI)? Curriculum organization which connects all subject areas using brain-based.


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Presentation transcript:

Curriculum Integration or ITI What is Integrated Thematic Instruction (ITI)? Curriculum organization which connects all subject areas using brain-based learning. The biology of learning – human brain research. Instructional Strategies - Teacher’s ability to orchestrate learning. Conceptual Curriculum – If learning is to come alive, curriculum must be a creative act of the teacher, a modeling of what it is to be a learner, to possess an absolute passion for lifelong learning. Susan Kovalik It is NOT siloed subject areas!!!

Due to the implementation of the Federal No Child Left Behind mandate and high-stakes state assessment testing, the natural progression of classrooms has shifted toward reading and mathematics, and there has been a de-emphasis on science and social studies.

We have come full circle!

Our brain is wired to learn from science – the understanding of how the natural world works and the implication of man’s interactions with it – and, second, social studies – the study of the needs and expectations of groups, communities, and societies.

In contrast, reading, writing, and math are very new to the human brain. We have no built-in wiring for these tasks. We have to learn how to learn them and then how to use them in our daily lives. Integrated Thematic Instruction… makes connections!

Tell me, I forget. Show me, I remember. Involve me, I understand!