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A poet once described the flag’s colors as: black for gunpowder, red for blood, and yellow as “the flame of golden glow.” http heisstdu.htm
Environment Features The Rhine River, in the western part of Germany, is a main waterway for transporting goods from northern ports. The 3rd largest country in the European Union. The Danube and Rhine rivers flow through Germany. In Germany is where the Main and Danube rivers connect with one another.
At the southern end of Germany are the Alps, the highest mountain range in Europe. In central Germany are the Harz mountains. Germany also has many rolling plains which make good farm land.
The Harz is a mountain range in central Germany. It is the highest mountain chain in northern Germany occupying parts of the German states of Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. The name Harz derives from the Middle High German word Hardt or Hart (mountain forest). Lower SaxonySaxony-AnhaltThuringiaMiddle High GermanHardtHart
Location Germany has many small towns that still maintain their traditional culture and architecture. Many of these towns, and their buildings, date back hundreds of years. The capital of Germany is Berlin. Germany is bordered by 8 countries: Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, and Poland.
Almost 80% of the German people live in cities or towns. The most heavily populated areas are in the west and central Germany, particularly along the Rhine River. Germany is divided into 16 states, each state has its own German dialect, customs, traditions and architecture. Total Area: 137,830 square miles 357,021 square kilometers
Climate Germany has a moderate climate. Winter temperatures vary from west to east, with about freezing temperatures in the west and well below freezing in eastern Germany. Summer temperatures are typically in the 70's to low 80's, with more rainfall during the summer.
Natural Resources Fossil fuels, petroleum, coal, lignite, brown coal, iron ore, copper, nickel, uranium, potash, salt, timber, and natural gas
Language A majority of the people of Germany speak German. The English language was once a German dialect, but has changed into a different language over time. There are still some words that are similar such as: situation - “zi-too-WAT-tzee-OHN” The “W” is pronounced like the English “V” and the “V” is pronounced like the English “F”. Volkswagen – “Folks-vah-gen”
Christianity is the largest religion in Germany with 59,981,000 (73.14%) adherents. The second largest religion is Islam with 3.3 million adherents (4%) followed by Buddhism and Judaism. Religion
The official name of Germany is the Federal Republic of Germany. The Federal President is Head of State and the Federal Chancellor is Head of Government. There are 16 Federal States. The currency is the Euro.
Germany is a major industrial center in Europe. Some of the industries are: Automobile- manufacturing, mechanical and engineering, chemicals, environment technology, medical technology, biotechnology, optics, nanotechnology, and aerospace. Population is 83,029,000 Gross Domestic Product in euro is 2,216,000,000 Is the 3 rd largest economy in the World. At the end of World War II, Germany was divided into East Germany and West Germany. East Germany maintained a communist government, while West Germany was a capitalist society. In 1990, the Berlin Wall was torn down, reuniting the country.
Germany also has considerable farming including grain, crops, and grapes, along with pig and cattle ranching. Germany is well known for its wine production. It is well known for its automobile manufacturing including the luxury Mercedes, the sporty Porsche and BMW, and Volkswagen. Germany also manufactures other machinery, electronics equipment, transportation equipment and chemicals.