“The Only Constant in Life IS Change” Charles Souders, P.E. October 6, 2008
Lititz Site Lititz Site
Site on 87 Acres 1.2 Million Square Feet (490 Mfg; 710 LLC) Manufacturing Capability for a Wide Variety of Consumer Health and Pharmaceutical products Co-located with the Lititz Logistics Center Global supplier of PCH products (approximately 75% of world-wide LMW) Over 11 million gallons of alcohol consumed per year 45 minutes from bottle receipt to pallet 1500 pallets of product produced each day Lititz Facts
ISO certified since 1997: –Certified by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance (LRQA) one of the top two firms in the world for ISO certification/registration audits; –First Pharmaceutical facility in US to be ISO certified; –First facility to have no improvement or non-compliance notations on it’s ISO certification audit; Charter Member of the EPA Performance Track: –EPA PT recognizes environmental performers; –Voluntary program; –Lititz Site has 5 environmental commitments for PT: Reduce solid waste Reduce energy Reduce wastewater discharges 10 acres wetland restoration Reduce nutrient runoff
EMS Challenges Site formerly Pfizer; sold to Johnson and Johnson December 2006; New EHS standards and practices to integrate; Product transfers in and out of site; Product volume losses; Plant organizational restructuring
Answering the Challenges and Sustaining the EMS Answering the Challenges and Sustaining the EMS Four main strategies we use to sustain the ISO EMS system: –Marketing and Communications –Audits –Goal Setting –Community
Answering the Challenges and Sustaining the EMS Answering the Challenges and Sustaining the EMS Marketing and Communications: –Scripted plant communication plan: Details week by week topics; Details how the materials are to be presented, e.g. poster, CCTV, etc. Details where materials are o be posted –Inescapable messaging: Goals: –keep the message in front of people –Keep people talking Signs, banners, decals, etc: –First thing they see when coming into entrance, e.g. sandwich boards –Entrance into work areas, e.g. magnetic signs –Warehouse area, e.g. banners –Bathroom, e.g. decals “Eye on Task, Mind on Task”
Answering the Challenges and Sustaining the EMS Answering the Challenges and Sustaining the EMS Marketing and Communications: –Sustainability reporting: Started for 2007 year Helps to keep your eye on the ball Transparency; Community input; Published and on J&J website;
Answering the Challenges and Sustaining the EMS Answering the Challenges and Sustaining the EMS Auditing: –Annual environmental compliance audit; –2 internal ISO system audits: Conducted by in house cross functional teams Training by 3 rd Party Voluntary participation Incentives for participation Formal written reports issued Reviewed w/Site Leadership Team –2 Surveillance Audits: Conducted by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Formal written report reviewed w/Site Leadership Team
Answering the Challenges and Sustaining the EMS Answering the Challenges and Sustaining the EMS Goal Setting: –Utilize resources at hand: Community oriented, e.g. “Adopt A Highway”; Help to make site more Lean, e.g. increase waste reclamation rate; Value added; –Push the bar higher, e.g. increase purchase of electricity from renewable resources –Be Very careful as they must be achievable based upon available resources –Think out of the box, innovation, e.g. development of a new storm water BMP –Communications: Integrated into marketing plan
Answering the Challenges and Sustaining the EMS Answering the Challenges and Sustaining the EMS Community: –Get involved and engage the Community, e.g. Citizens Advisory Council (CAC): –Meets minimum 2X per year –Site reviews all it’s environmental metrics; –Site reports on goals; –Feedback from the CAC encouraged; –Feedback incorporated as part of the site goal setting process –Support site environmental aspects that are of local significance, e.g. Water –Watershed restoration support –Highway clean-ups –Groundwater recharge –Wellhead protection
Answering the Challenges and Sustaining the EMS Answering the Challenges and Sustaining the EMS Bottom line…….. –Engagement is the key!!!!!!!
Questions???? Questions????