Jeopardy 3 rd Grade Science
Select a Category MammalsReptilesAmphibiansBirds 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 2 points 2 points 2 points 2 points 2 points 2 points 2 points 2 points 3 points 3 points 3 points 3 points 3 points 3 points 3 points 3 points 4 points 4 points 4 points 4 points 4 points 4 points 4 points 4 points 5 points 5 points 5 points 5 points 5 points 5 points 5 points 5 points
Mammals What is live birth 1 pointCheck
How do mammals have their young? Animals 1 point Back to Category Slide
Mammals What is milk 2 pointsCheck
What do mammals feed their young with? Mammal 2 points Back to Category Slide
Mammals What is lungs 3 pointsCheck
How to Mammals breathe? Mammals 3 points Back to Category Slide
Mammals What is Fur 4 pointsCheck
How do mammals stay warm? Mammals 4 points Back to Category Slide
Mammals What is warm-blooded 5 pointsCheck
Why do mammals internal temperature stay the same even though the temperature outside does? Mammals 5 points Back to Category Slide
Reptiles What is dry skin 1 pointCheck
What kind of skin do reptiles have? Reptiles 1 point Back to Category Slide
Reptiles What is lay eggs 2 pointsCheck
How do reptiles give birth? Reptiles 2 points Back to Category Slide
Reptiles What is holes 3 pointsCheck
What do reptiles have instead of ears? Reptiles 3 points Back to Category Slide
Reptiles What is scales 4 pointsCheck
What do reptiles have instead of fur? Reptiles 4 points Back to Category Slide
Reptiles What is cold-blooded 5 pointsCheck
Why do reptiles get cold so easily in cold weather? Reptiles 5 points Back to Category Slide
Amphibians What is land and water 1 pointCheck
Where do Amphibians live. (Hint: it is 2 places) Amphibians 1 point Back to Category Slide
Amphibians What is lungs or gills 2 pointsCheck
How do amphibians breathe? Amphibians 2 points Back to Category Slide
Amphibians What is smooth skin 3 pointsCheck
Amphibians do not have hair nor fur, what is their skin like? (Put third category name HERE) 3 points Back to Category Slide
Amphibians What is lay many eggs 4 pointsCheck
Do amphibians lay many eggs or few eggs? Amphibians 4 points Back to Category Slide
Amphibians What is webbed feet 5 pointsCheck
How do amphibians swim in the water, but yet walk on land? Amphibians 5 points Back to Category Slide
Birds What is wings 1 pointCheck
How do birds fly? Birds 1 point Back to Category Slide
Birds Birds What is eggs 2 pointsCheck
How do birds have their young? Birds 2 points Back to Category Slide
Birds What is ear holes 3 pointsCheck
How do birds hear? Birds 3 points Back to Category Slide
Birds What is beak 4 pointsCheck
What do birds use to eat with? Birds 4 points Back to Category Slide
Birds What is warm-blooded 5 pointsCheck
How do birds live in both warm and cold climates? Birds 5 points Back to Category Slide
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