What’s a Rubric? Building a RubricMr. Joshi
HW What are five criteria for judging the “Top 10 Inventions” of all time? Next to each criteria, write down why you chose this criteria.
How do we evaluate, or judge, these things?
How are these competitions judged differently?
How objective is this criteria? The Miss America: Lifestyle and Fitness in Swimsuit - 15% Evening Wear - 20% Talent - 35% Private Interview - 25% On-Stage Question – 5% Ice Skating in the Winter Olympics Each part is scored from 0 to 6 Skating Skills Transitions Performance Choreography Interpretation
Double-Dutch Competitions Let’s watch this performance of double- dutch. How would you judge it? 5q2-Bo
What do you think of this rubric?
Let’s construct a rubric for an action that isn’t so easy to judge…being a server in a sit-down restaurant
What are the behaviors of a good server (waiter/waitress)?
Now do this – think, pair, share Take out a piece of paper – write you name, date, period and write the following chart: Good Wait Service ExcellentAveragePoor Behavior 1 Point Value Behavior 2 Point Value Behavior 3 Point Value
Now Your Turn to Judge Think about an activity or object you know well. Create a rubric to judge the strength of any example of this activity or object. Examples include guitars, a singing performance, skateboarding, teaching, drawing, pitching, etc.
HW What are five criteria for judging the “Top 10 Inventions” of all time? Next to each criteria, write down why you chose this criteria.
HW What are two dangerous or boring tasks that you hope someone invents something for in the future? What might those inventions look like? How might they work?