Improving What We Do for Struggling Adult Numeracy Students
Overview My academic interests What I will be speaking about What I won’t have time to speak about
1 in 5 ABE, intermediate, ASE Developmental math Some adults who are underprepared in mathematics
We hope that we can employ strong math teachers despite offering part-time jobs without benefits. False hope #1
We hope that a large amount of math content can be learned over a very small number of class hours. False hope #2
We hope that pedagogy that didn’t work for students when they were in middle school and high school will work better for them when they are older. False hope #3
We hope that tests will help us to make good decisions about students’ math knowledge and needs, and that test data can be used to make programs accountable for their work. False hope #4
We hope that we can get rich quick. False hope #5
Family-supporting jobs Intensity/content match Pedagogy, curricula, and training Adult high schools Serve fewer, serve better Instead of false hopes
Jobs Intensity Pedagogy, curricula, and training Program structure and advisement Results CUNY Start as a start
Steve Hinds