Segmented Body Chordata animals usually have segmented bodies. They are segmented by Head- Thorax- Abdomen
Symmetry O Chordates are bilaterally symmetrized
Skeleton & Appendages O Chordata contain an inner skeleton with a backbone. O They usually have four appendages: Arms, Legs, Wings, or Fins.
Germ Layers 3 germ layers Germ layers are a group of cells formed by embryogenesis, process by which the embryo is formed and developed Animals with bilateral symmetry produce three germ layers
Reproduction Chordates reproduce sexually Some species lay eggs while others bear live young Bear live young: the female becomes pregnant, she is pregnant for a period of time, and then the offspring is born live Some species of fishes and reptiles don’t reproduce
Digestive System O Tubelike digestion, gastrointestinal tract, an extensive tube extending from the mouth to the anus O Swallowing, digestion, and assimilation of food and elimination of waste
Circulatory System Closed circulatory system Blood transported around body, inside veins and arteries of various sizes Blood circulated by pumping of heart 4 chamber heart, double circulation of the blood Separate circulation for the heart and lungs and for the heart and the rest of the body (systematic circulation)
Habitat O Most ecological niches O Deepest sea trenches to air (birds) to artic regions (seals, bears, fishes) to arid regions (leopards)
Respiratory System Exhale carbon dioxide and inhale oxygen They use either a pharynx or gill slits to respire
Coelom Chordates are coelomates They have fluid filled body cavity and a complete lining from the mesoderm, one germ layer that covers the embryo Organs can be attached in a specific order and have space to move around Most bilateral organisms are coelomates
Cephalization The notochord is an elongate, rod-like, skeletal structure dorsal to the gut tube and ventral to the nerve cord Chordates have a nervous system based upon a hollow nerve cord (spinal cord) located in their back. Most have a brain too. Invertebrates have double, solid, ventral nerve cords.