NGSS PBL Goals Increase reliability, maintainability, and supportability Influencing early design Focusing on system design for operational effectiveness Provide an interdisciplinary engineering management process Evolves and verifies an integrated life cycle balance set of system solutions Produces customer satisfaction Develop a total system design solution that balances Cost Schedule Performance Risk. Provide a system that can be produced economically and supported through the life cycle. Open Systems Approach tp maximize internal and external interface capability of the systems/ subsystems using open system approach.
NGSS and Phases of PBL “Model”“Beginning”“Bridge” DD(X) Fully matured PBL model Develop in conjunction with other programs. Influence design for supportability. Design and develop the support system Link system performance, availability (Reliability, Maintainability, Supportability), process efficiency (system operations, maintenance, logistics support), and life cycle. LHD 8 First Performance Based Logistics (PBL) project NAVSEA/NAVSUP Guide used. Product/Equipment centered. LPD 17 Process Development Prominent Process System Integrator (PSI) Role Best Precursor for DD(X) Supply Chain Operational Reference (SCOR) methodology Close cooperation with Navy Time Reliability, reduced logistics footprint, and reduced life cycle/Total Ownership Cost (TOC) are most effectively achieved through inclusion from the very beginning of a program.
NGSS Near Term Strategy and Activities Mature the NGSS PBL PSI Role Cross-platform pollination – (full process integration for all PBL efforts) Integrate and align PBL planning and implementation Post Shakedown Availability, Planning Yard, and Software Support Activity management infrastructure Continuous Improvement of processes and personnel Training and high quality standards. Become a Center of Excellence for PBL Develop and refine partnerships to accomplish a coordinated supply chain recommendation LHD 8, LPD 17, DD(X), and Deepwater Original Equipment Manufacturer Subject Matter Experts Develop a draft Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Addresses the roles and responsibilities of each respective industry/government organization