Ch. 1: Part 1
Noun Person, place, thing, or idea Examples: dog, teacher, laughter, store Practice: Find the noun in the sentence Susan slipped on some water and fell.
Common nouns: name any person, place, thing or idea. These are general nouns. Examples: man, holiday, language Proper nouns: name a particular person, place, thing, or idea. These nouns are specific. Examples: Langston Hughes, Halloween, English Practice: Which of these nouns is proper? High School or Knight High School
Concrete noun: a person, place, or thing that can be experienced through the senses (sight, taste, touch, hearing, and smell) Examples: fire, garlic, laughter Abstract noun: ideas, feelings, qualities, and characteristics. These nouns cannot be experienced through the senses Examples: love, honesty, loyalty Practice: Is the noun abstract or concrete? Freedom Sentence
Collective Nouns: names a group of similar people, places or things Examples: family, pack, fleet Compound Nouns: two or more words that together name a person, place, thing, or idea. Can be written as a single word, two words, or a hyphenated word Examples: sidewalk, high school, great-grandfather Practice: Is the noun collective or compound? Football team
Open your textbook to page 5. Complete Review A, #1-10 Please note that most of the italicized nouns are at least 2 different nouns types (so you have 2 answers)
Pronoun: takes the place of one or more nouns. I, me, we, us, you, she, her, they, them, he, him, it The word the pronoun replaces is called the antecedent. Example: John did not want to ride the bus. He wanted to walk. The pronoun He replaces the antecedent John Practice: Identify the pronoun and antecedent. Mariah and Anthony went to the mall. They were shopping for presents.
Personal Pronouns: the person speaking or being spoken about Example: You won several awards, I hear. You = person spoken about, I = person speaking Demonstrative Pronouns: points out a specific person, place, thing or idea This, that, these, those Example: This is my favorite song. This points out a specific song. Practice: Find the pronoun(s): I like this dress the best.
Intensive & Reflexive Same set of pronouns: Myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves Reflexive: this pronoun refers to the subject of a sentence; adds extra emphasis to the subject Example: I decorated the house myself. Intensive: refers to the antecedent and comes before the verb Example: Mike himself organized the party. Practice: Is this intensive or reflexive? We made dinner ourselves.
Interrogative pronoun: these pronouns introduce questions What, which, who, whom, and whose Example: What is the answer to the question? Relative pronoun: introduces an adjective clause That, which, who, whom, whose For example: Joseph is the man who is running for office.
Indefinite pronoun: refers to a person, place, idea, or thing that may or may not be specifically named. Refer to chart on page 7 for all the indefinite pronouns. Some examples are: all, both, each, several Example: Jonathon packed everything necessary for the trip.
Open your textbook to pages 8-9. Complete Exercise 1, #1-10 1) himself-intensive, everyone-indefinite, Who-relative, one-indefinite, him-personal Complete Review B, #1-10 #11-20 are Extra Credit You do not have to copy the paragraph. Just write down the answers.