By: Lowell Ringel. Born in 1724 in Königsburg, East Prussia (modern day Kaliningrad, Russia) Was a longtime professor at the University of Königsburg.


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Presentation transcript:

By: Lowell Ringel

Born in 1724 in Königsburg, East Prussia (modern day Kaliningrad, Russia) Was a longtime professor at the University of Königsburg Because of his rationalist approach to interpreting religious texts, the King of Prussia banned him from writing and lecturing about these in “The only thing good without qualification is a good will.” - Immanuel Kant

Kant obeyed until the king’s death in He then resumed work, publishing a summary of his religious views. He passed away in The Three Critiques:  The Critique of Pure Reason (1781, 2 nd edition published 1787)  The Critique of Practical Reason (1788)  The Critique of the Power of Judgment (1790) "Honesty is better than any policy.“ - Immanuel Kant

Gottfried Leibnez Christian Wolff David Hume

Believed that human knowledge and reason is the basis for all beliefs and morality. Believed all knowledge starts from experience but can branch off from there. Knowledge comes from the senses and mind working together. Believed the independence of the will of man is the source of human dignity. Believed (STRONGLY) that humans are God’s end (final product) An original German copy of The Critique Of Pure Reason

- He believes that it is morally necessary to believe in the immortality of the soul and the existence of God, which he calls postulates (basically obvious truths) of pure practical reason. - Believed in transcendental idealism, or the idea that human beings experience only appearances, not the things themselves. According to Kant, you had to believe.

"Immanuel Kant." Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2010): Web. 10 Feb “Kant's Aesthetics and Teleology.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2010): Web. 15 Feb “Immanuel Kant - Biography." The European Graduate School. Web. 10 Feb