Saving lives, changing minds. Gender and Diversity Dignity, Access, Participation and Safety of migrants SEA Regional Gender and Diversity Training of Trainers 5-8 th October
Saving lives, changing minds. Gender and Diversity Session learning objectives By the end of the session, participants will be able to: Define migrant and causes of migration List 4 stages of migration and at least 3 challenges in each stage Explain at least one Red Cross activity according to the IFRC Minimum standard on Gender and Diversity to address the challenges on migration.
Saving lives, changing minds. Gender and Diversity What counts as a migrant? The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies’ policy on migration defines migrants as … “…people who leave or flee their places of habitual residence to go to a new place, across international borders or within their own state, to seek better or safer perspectives. Migration can be forced or voluntary, but most of the time a combination of choices and constraints are involved, as well as the intent to live abroad for an extended period of time.”
Saving lives, changing minds. Gender and Diversity Principle of Impartiality In line with our Fundamental Principles, the RCRC are mandated to provide assistance to all migrants regardless of the legal status, nationality and religion.
Saving lives, changing minds. Gender and Diversity Gender and diversity in migration Migrants face a unique set of challenges that can impact them at each stage of their journey. However they are not a homogenous group. Gender and diversity are crosscutting issues that span all types of migration and it is important that we recognize these issues; the vulnerabilities they can lead to; and ensure we address them
Saving lives, changing minds. Gender and Diversity The stages of a migrants journey Group work (3 mins) Discuss in a group on what are the challenges in each stage of a migrant’s journey. List at least 3 in each group. In home country (country of origin) During the migrant journey (transit) In host (receiving) country Return and reintegration
Saving lives, changing minds. Gender and Diversity Causes of Migration Group work Discuss in a group on what causes migration. List at least 2 in each group. Participants to read out loud their causes and post it on the root of the tree.
Saving lives, changing minds. Gender and Diversity Causes of Migration and risk factors Demand of the labour market for migrant workers especially for women and girls. Growing aging population in middle income and wealthy countries Lack of decent job opportunities Lack of sustainable livelihood in country Political and social unrest in country Gender inequality when women and girl’s expectations are not met. Human trafficking – Smuggling – Sexual exploitation especially for women and girls.
Saving lives, changing minds. Gender and Diversity Migration in Southeast Asia In Southeast Asia the main focus of the IFRC is on labour migration and human trafficking In 2015, there were 27.5 million international migrants within Asia (IOM) 43 per cent of these migrants are inter-regional within South East Asia Human trafficking is a critical issue in Mekong countries such as Thailand, Myanmar, Lao PDR, Cambodia and Vietnam. Young migrants and women from poor background are some of the most vulnerable, being at risk of smuggling, human trafficking and sexual exploitation
Saving lives, changing minds. Gender and Diversity Human Trafficking in Southeast Asia Show video:
Saving lives, changing minds. Gender and Diversity The stages of a migrants journey Group work Groups are divided into 4 groups. Discuss in a group on what Red Cross could do in each stage of a migrant’s journey referring to the IFRC Minimum Standard. Give example. List at least 2 in each group. Try to address the challenges with each action Red Cross could do to help the migrants in each stage of the journey.
Saving lives, changing minds. Gender and Diversity Risk factors for migrant populations during disasters Migrants, particularly those who are undocumented, often live outside of the systems designed to protect communities from disasters. As such, when a disaster hits, they may be intentionally or unintentionally excluded from disaster risk reduction or preparedness programs When authorities or relief organizations prepare beneficiary criteria for relief aid, migrants that are not registered with the government may not be included.
Saving lives, changing minds. Gender and Diversity What can we do? As auxiliaries to governments, National Societies can identify how they can play a convening role with organizations, such as the International Labour Organization etc, to influence the change in the policies in the countries of origin, transit and destination. Develop local/national initiatives or campaigns that increase awareness and respect for migrants.
Saving lives, changing minds. Gender and Diversity What can we do? During disasters it is important that migrants are acknowledged as an important group within the community and have access to information and services that will increase their preparedness and resilience to disasters. It is important to include migrants in all stages of programming to ensure that their needs are taken into consideration. It is crucial to address GBV (Gender-based violence) of migrants especially women and girls as they are the most vulnerable.
Saving lives, changing minds. Gender and Diversity Resource Library Link to resource library: site/drrtoolsinsoutheasta sia/migration
Saving lives, changing minds. Gender and Diversity Any questions?
Saving lives, changing minds. Gender and Diversity Quiz Time!
Saving lives, changing minds. Gender and Diversity Question 1: The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies’ policy on migration defines migrants as …
Saving lives, changing minds. Gender and Diversity Question 2: Why do you think are the causes of migration? List 2
Saving lives, changing minds. Gender and Diversity Question 3: While planning for our programmes, migrants should be treated differently because they are more vulnerable than the rest due to their status. True or False? Why, give 1 reason.
Saving lives, changing minds. Gender and Diversity Question 4: What can Red Cross do to help raise awareness of the migrants in host country? Give one example.
Saving lives, changing minds. Gender and Diversity Team Migrant Thank you for your participation