Roots Quiz 9 today! Flash cards?
English 2 Roots 10: Opposites
Directions Take notes on your new roots Materials packet Pen / pencil
Ant, ante Definition: before Example: anticipate – expect or predict More examples? antebellum, antecedent Challenge Word: anterior (adj): situated before or at the front of; earlier
Post Definition: after Example: postpone – to delay or put off until later More examples? Postpartum, postgraduate Challenge word: posterior (adj): situated behind or at the rear; coming after
Sol Definition: alone Example: solitude – the state of being alone More examples? Sole, solitary, solitaire Challenge word: solipsism (noun): extreme preoccupation with one’s self; self-absorption
Syn, sym Definition: together Example: synonym – a word that means the same as another word More examples? Synthesize, syntax, sympathy, synchronize Challenge word: syndicate (noun): a group combined to promote a common interest / goal Example: News Corp is a syndicate that owns numerous newspapers and television networks, such as The New York Post and Fox News.
Super Definition: above Example: supervise – to oversee or direct others More examples? Superintendent, superior, supersede, superimpose
Sub Definition: under Example: subconscious – concerning the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware but influences actions or feelings More examples? Substitute, submarine, subordinate Challenge word: subterfuge (noun): deceit used to achieve a goal
Hyper Definition: too much, over Example: hyperbole – an extreme exaggeration not meant to be taken literally More examples? Hyperglycemia, hyperactive, hypertension, hyperextend
Hypo Definition: too little, under Example: hypodermic More examples? Hypothermia, hypoglycemia Challenge word: hypocrisy (noun): claiming to have moral standards or beliefs but not conforming to those same standards / beliefs
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