Introducing Our Lesson Shweta Kathuria & Priyansha Walia
What we Teach… Courses:EnglishE.V.S Class Level: Primary level Location: Sri Venkateshwar International School
How we Currently Use Computers… Internet researchInternet research Multimedia presentations to introduce lessons.Multimedia presentations to introduce lessons. Smart Board (Educomp.)Smart Board (Educomp.)
Our Lesson The special prize (reader book) (new world interactive English book). Students will be able to scan the details of the lesson and comprehend it. Students will enhance their vocabulary.
Targeted Learning Objectives Students will develop their love towards animals. They will be motivated to win special prizes through good deeds. They will enhance their vocabulary. They will be able to skim and scan the details of the lesson and comprehend it. Students will make presentations. They will be able to organise a radio show which will enhance their language intelligence. Students will make a collage which should make them art smart.
Our Curriculum Framing Questions Essential questions: Are the stray animals safe? How can we learn to care? Unit questions: Which animals are usually seen in the street? Should we be kind towards animals?
What We Want to Learn… How to fully integrate computer technology into the classroom curriculum? How to authentically assess student learning when using computers