Chinese 1 Lesson plan Sep.24-Sep.28 Objectives: TEKS: 1A, 3B, 3A, 4A, 5A, Lesson2 test Review New words Subject+ number+ 岁 Suì 我 十五 岁。 Like 喜欢 Xǐhuan Verbs: watch movie, go shopping, play computer games To identify and say Chinese Finals: ai, ei, ao, ou, an, en, in, ang, eng, ing, To make sentence with sentence pattern: like Learn new words: aninmals
Monday objectives: Review lesson 2 TEKS: 1A, 3B, 3A, 4A, 5A, 1) review initials 2) Review new words 3) Review numbers 4) learning text: This is my big sister. She is 18 years old. She is a student. She likes to play. Mom likes to go shopping. Dad likes to go to movie. My little brother like to play computer.
Read the following words 1. 爸爸 2. 妈妈 3. 妹妹 4. 爷爷 5. 姐姐 6. 哥哥 7. 弟弟 8. 奶奶 9. 她 10 。我 11 。他 12 。它
Read the numbers 一 Yī one 二 Èr two 三 Sān three 四 Sì four 五 Wǔ five 六 Liù six 七 Qī seven 八 Bā eight 九 Jiǔ nine 十 Shí ten
Sentence review Please translate the sentences into English 1 。我是 Tom 。 2 。她是 Willow 。 3 。这是爷爷。 4 。这是奶奶。 5 。他是我弟弟。 6 。她是我姐姐。 7 。它是 Frank 。 hw: review the patterns. Read your notes for 15 minutes.
Tuesday Lesson 2 test Good luck!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday objectives TEKS: 1A,2A, 2B, 3A,5A TSW learn the new words animals TSW learn the new words Dialogue: This is _______.
Animals,or bugs, or mammals, etc….. Giraffe/Chángjǐnglù 长颈鹿 bird/Niǎo 鸟 Monkey/Hóuzi 猴子 Panda/Xióngmāo 熊猫 Skunk/Chòu yòu 臭鼬 Peacock/Kǒngquè 孔雀 Spider/Zhīzhū 蜘蛛 Horse/Mǎ 马 Elephant/Xiàng 象 Hippo/Hémǎ 河马 Tiger/Hǔ 虎 Lion,/ Shīzi, 狮子, Penguin/Qì'é 企鹅 Wolf/ Láng 狼
Practice Giraffe 长颈鹿 bird 鸟 Monkey 猴子 Panda 熊猫 Skunk 臭鼬 Peacock 孔雀 Spider 蜘蛛 Horse 马 Elephant 象 Hippo/ 河马 Tiger/ 虎 Lion,/ 狮子, Penguin 企鹅 Wolf 狼
Activities Make a foldable with the new words. It is due Friday, May 29 th.
Thursday TTW go over the test. TSW do test correction TSW practice dialogue with their peers. This is a monkey. 这是猴子。 This is its mom. 这是它妈妈。 The monkey is 3 years old. 这只猴子 3 岁。 It likes to watch movie. 它喜欢看电影。
Friday objectives presentation Moon festival
If you miss school today, you need to do the following Practice voc. Check on if you get them right. Please see me next week to take the voc.quiz Write 8 sentences with the new words we learn. If you have not turn in Moon Festival project and foldable, please do so. If you turn in late, it lows your grade.
Slides for your to learn and review Do not forget to show your Chinese talent to me and get extra 5 points for your daily grades.
he, she, it, numbers Objectives: 1) TSW Review pronoun, numbers, 2) Study Measure word: 个, for people Verb :有 / have noun: 家 / family ren/ people, person Write a paragraph to describe your family.
Words study Yi er san si wu liu qi ba jiu 一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九, shi 十 个 Gè , measure word for people, item, etc 一个弟弟 有 Yǒu / have 家 Jiā / family
example Wǒjiā yǒu wǔ gè rén. Bàba, , māmā, liǎng gè gēgē, 我 家有 五 个人。爸爸,妈妈,两 个 哥哥, hé wǒ. Tim jiā yǒu qī gè rén. Tā yǒu yīgè gēgē, 和我。 Tim 家 有 七个 人。他有一个 哥哥, Yī gè mèimei, yé ye, nǎinai, bàba, māmā. 一个妹 妹,爷爷,奶奶,爸爸,妈妈。
Video: family members qI qI
Learn more, more, more, more Chinese. Tell me what you learn and you earn a ruffle ticket~ dZlg dZlg
Happy Moon Festival!!!! Thank you for all the students who turned in your project on time. Wish you have a wonderful Moon Festival! Tell your family and your friends about the Moon Festival! Always be with your parents, family! Family is highly valued both in West and East.