Shifting the Load By Geoff Johnston Managing Director One World Environmental Solutions Pty. Ltd.
Definitions Logistics 1. n. The branch of military science concerned with transportation and supply, and the movement of bodies of troops. 2. the management of the practical details of any enterprise. What does this mean for us?
Know your “Enterprise” How much to do? Before we design a system we need to know the job at hand Volumes Weights Load types Destinations Capabilities KPI’s
Considerations How much waste does my community produce? How much of this can I divert from a landfill What can I re-use in my community Is there anything that I can help my community avoid so I don’t have to manage it as waste or as a recyclate Are there any business opportunities in this?
Opportunity Costs What is the real cost of landfilling
Are the alternatives available to us? Vs
Calculations Strategic Plan Business planning Then do your calculations Know your cost structures (the real costs) Minimise trans-shipments Cost compare as you go along Look for the efficiencies available Don’t close your mind to options that might seem to be “left field”
Calculations Lastly, what capital is available Choice of equipment that fits need Operating costs Vs Capital costs Can private enterprise do the job better than I New or second hand – there are traps Keep calcs on common basis Km Vs Hours Weight Vs Volume These relationships mean accurate $ calculations and comparisons
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