Morbid anatomy (401)
Bacillary hemoglobinurea
Definition:- Acute,infectious&toxemic bacterial disease. Affect Mainly cattle Can be seen in sheep Rarely in dogs
Causative microorganism:- C.Hemolyticum N.B Anearobic spore former bacilli
Route of infection:- Ingestion of contaminated food.
Pathogenesis:- Hemolytic anemia&hemoglobinuria Intravascular hemolysis Germination Anearobiosis Liver Ingestion
Ingestion of contaminated food(soilborn spores) Spores lodged in liver Incubation period depends on presence of locus of anearobiosis in liver Conditions help germination:- Presence of liver fluks High nitrate content of diet Accidental liver puncture Any other cause of localized necrosis
After germination the new active cells cause intravascular hemolysis,anemia and hemoglobinuria. Mortality = 95%
Signs:- 1.Hemoglobinuria 2.Ictrus 3.Anemia 4.Dysentery 5.Fever 6.Abdominal pain
PM lesions:- Dehydration, anemia and subcutaneous edema Bloody fluid in the abdominal and thoracic cavities Lungs are not grossly affected Trachea contains bloody froth with heamorrhage in the mucosa Intestinal heamorrhage
Characteristic lesion is ischemic infarct in liver Which appear slightly elevated,lighter in colour than the surrounding&outlined by bluish red zone of congestion.
Microscopic picture:- Hepatic necrosis Thrombi in hepatic venules, intestines, and other abdominal organs (secondary to exotoxin induced necrosis) Bacilli are present singly or in short chains in tissue and have distinctive subterminal spores that bulge +/- evidence of trematode migration (fluke pigment)
Presented by Mariam Ahmed Tasneem Mohamed Under supervision of Dr.Sheren Saeid
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