1 Briefing on the Draft Call for Projects and Schedule for the Air Quality Conformity Assessment for the 2011 CLRP and FY TIP Technical Committee Item # 5 October 1, 2010 National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board
Briefing Outline Schedule for CLRP and TIP Projects That Require Air Quality Conformity Analysis Proposed New Process for Updating the TIP on a Two-Year Cycle 2
Conformity Assessment Schedule for the 2011 CLRP November 17TPB Releases Final Call for Projects-- Transportation Agencies Begin Submitting Project Information through On-Line Database January 21DEADLINE: Transportation Agencies Complete On-Line Submission of Draft Project Inputs. February 10CLRP Project Submissions and Draft Scope of Work Released for 30 Day Public Comment Period March 16TPB Reviews Public Comments and is asked to Approve Project Submissions and Draft Scope of Work October 13Draft CLRP and Conformity Assessment Released for 30 Day Public Comment Period November 16TPB Reviews Public Comments and Responses to Comments, and is Presented the Draft CLRP and Conformity Assessment for Adoption 3
Current TIP Cycle Our 6 year TIP is produced every year – Federal law requires TIP to be updated every 4 years TIP and STIP approval for all projects are tied to Conformity Assessment, often months behind most DOT’s fiscal cycles Printed hard copies printed and PDF versions posted to the web quickly become out of date as amendments and modifications are made The TIP is changing from a planning program to a real-time budgetary, cash-flow document 4
Proposed New TIP Cycle Projects that have Air Quality Conformity impacts will follow the schedule shown earlier and be amended to the FY TIP following approval Formally update TIP every two years – FY TIP would remain TIP of record until the approval of the FY TIP in the Fall of 2012 Projects that are exempt from the Conformity requirements can be amended at any time Searchable, online TIP database updated following each amendment or modification 5
Proposed New TIP Cycle TIP and STIP amendments can be approved according to each of the three DOTs’ cycles without waiting for Conformity Assessment Reduces amount of time spent “between TIPs” – after TPB approval and before federal STIP approval 6
Documentation of the TIP Printed hard copies of the FY TIP Online searchable database with the most up- to-date version of the TIP Brochure on 2010 CLRP and FY TIP Brochure on 2011 CLRP with updated TIP info 7
Next Steps TPB will be briefed on the Draft Call for Projects document on October 19 TPB will be asked to approve the Call for Projects document on November 16 8