Final EMM Kit Test Jeopardy Graphing On the Move Energy Newton’s Laws Forces FINAL 50
Graphing 10pts What two columns of the data table hold the variables we graph? (Which would be IV and which is the DV) Answer
Answer for Graphing 10 Independent (1 st column) and Dependent (last column) Board
Graphing for 20 What needs to be included in the title of a graph? Answer
Answer to Graphing for 20 points Both the independent and dependent variables plus what we are doing with the data ex: comparing. Start with “The effect of the” Board
Graphing for 30 points What variable goes on the x axis? Switcheroo !! Answer
Answer for Graphing 30 Independent Switch points if correct Board
Graphing for 40 Answer What 3 things are wrong with this graph?
Answer for Graphing 40 No units Should be a line graph Spacing between 0 and the first item is wrong. Board
FINAL HOW MUCH DID YOU RISK?? Graph the following information in the data table below: ( you must complete the averages and the speed correctly.) Answer Distance (m)Time (s)Average Time (s) Speed m/s Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial ??? ??? 1.00
Answer to Graphing 50 points 2 nd trial avg t = 2.17 sec, Speed = 0.95 m/s 3 rd trial Average t = 3.0 sec Board
Move for 20 points A change of position in a certain amount of time is called ___________ Answer
Answer to On the Move 20 points Motion Board
The formula for speed is ___. On the Move for 10 points Answer
Answer to move 10 points Distance divided by time Board
Move for 30 points The force that keeps you in your seat when you are upside down on a rollercoaster is ____________. Answer
Answer to Move 30 Centripetal Force Board
Move for 40 points You are going to Knoxville to compete and we decide to take an airplane. The airplane ride is 2.5 hours (due to side trips) and you are traveling a total of 2000 km during your flight. What average speed are you traveling? Answer
Answer to Move 40 points 800 km/hr Board
On the Move for 50 points You are traveling 30 km/sec and you need to go 162 km. How many seconds will it take? Answer
Answer for Move 50 points IF CHALLENGED AND WON YOU EARN 50, IF CHALLENGED AND LOST, CHALLENGER WON 100 PTS!! 5.4 seconds BONUS 15 PTS: What is the formula for speed? Distance divided by Time equals speed. 30= 90/ time. Board
Energy for 15 What is a push or pull on an object? A
Energy for 15 Force Fifteen points earned if you were correct board
Energy for 10 points Kinetic Energy is energy of _________________. Answer
Answer for Energy 10 points Motion Board
Energy 20 points What contact force opposes motion? Answer
Answer for Energy 20 points Friction Board
Energy for 50 points When you drop a rock from the Eiffel tower where would you have the maximum potential energy and maximum kinetic energy? Answer A B C D....
Answer Energy for 50 points Point A is Maximum Potential Energy Point D is Maximum Kinetic Energy Board
Energy 30 points Energy that is stored is called__________________. Answer
Answer Energy 30 points Potential Energy Board
Energy for 40 pts When a roller coaster goes down hill, energy is transformed from ___ to ___. from ___ to ___. Answer
Answer Energy for 40 points Potential to Kinetic Board
Newton’s Laws for 10 pts. How many Laws of Motion are there? How many Laws of Motion are there? A
Newton’s Laws answer for 10 pts!3 board
15 pts for Newton’s Laws What does Inertia mean? A
15 points answer for Newton’s Laws Both meanings Both meanings: An object will continue it’s motion, whether moving or not. If you only gave one answer you earn 5 pts. board
20 pts. for Newton’s Laws What is the formula for Newton’s 2 nd Law? A
20 pts answer for Newton’s Laws? F = ma (force = mass x acceleration) board
25 pts. for Newton’s Laws Which one of Newton’s three laws includes the idea of inertia? A
25 pts. answer for Newton’s Laws 1st board
30 pts. Newton’s Laws Which one of Newton’s Laws explains how a rocket can blast off the surface of Earth? A Switcheroo
30 pts answer for Newton’s Laws3rd If you got this correct, choose another team and switch points with them at this time. board
40 pts possible for Newton’s Laws Which one of Newton’s three laws include the relationship between mass, acceleration, and force? A
Earned 40 pts for Newton’s Laws? 2 nd Law2 nd Law board
for 50 pts. CHALLENGE !! What is the m/sec of gravitational pull exerted by the Earth on an object (we use this to discover acceleration of a falling object) A
CHALLENGE from Newton’s Laws for 50 pts. If you were challenged and got this correct, you receive 50 pts. for your team. If you were challenged and did not get this right, then the person who challenged you receives 100 pts. board9.81 m/sec (every second of fall would be multiplied by this #)
Forces for 10 An object that is moving with a constant speed is an example of ______________forces. Answer
Answer to Forces 10 points Balanced Board
Forces 20 points A Baseball player throws a pitch. This is an example of a.Straight line motion b.Projectile motion c.Vibrational motion d.Circular motion Answer
Answer to Forces 20 points B Projectile Motion Board
Forces 30 points A cow is sucked into a tornado. What kind of motion will the cow experience? Answer
Answer to Forces 30 points Circular Motion Board
Forces 40 points What is the net force on the mass below? Mass 450 N 300 N Does the mass have acceleration? Answer
Answer to Forces 40 points The net force is 150 N left. It does have acceleration. Board BONUS 5 Pts: What type of frictional force does the box have to overcome to move?
Forces 50 points Nemo is swimming up stream with a force of 20 N while the current pushes against Nemo with a force of 20 N. What is the Net force? Does Nemo have acceleration? Answer
Answer to Forces 50 points The Net force on Nemo 0 N and he is in constant motion facing into the current, but not moving in one direction nor the other. No, Nemo does not have acceleraion. Board