Alia & Femphy: The Wedding Saturday, December 4 th 2010
2 A seed of love grows Sprout from enchantment of soul Arise with dew of love Formed from the smiles and tears of the beloved
Come fence of the sprout With sacred poles of marriage Which hopefully will guard Without the need to restrain 3
4 By the love and grace of Allah SWT, We cordially request the honor of your present and blessings To celebrate the Wedding of Alia Latifah Hanum, S.P And Femphy Pisceldo, S.Kom
5 Wedding Reception: Saturday, Dec 4 th am – 2.00 pm Bale Taman Palem II Jl. Sholeh Iskandar No.7 Kedunghalang, Bogor Wedding Ceremony: Saturday, Dec 4 th am Bale Taman Palem II Jl. Sholeh Iskandar No.7 Kedunghalang, Bogor
7 With Love Alia & Femphy