BY: ALEJANDRA REYES DALILA OCHOA MARY GARCIA Part A Introduction to Research Methods Topics 1-5
1. Exercise on Topic: Introduction to Empirical Research Empirical approach: knowledge is based on observations Why: want to make observation Whom: who is to be observe
How: to obtain information that is not bias against any types of individuals When: to use instruments to obtain the most valid results Hypothesis: which is a statement indicating what results are expected 1. Exercise on Topic: Introduction to Empirical Research cont’d
Data: the observations researchers make may results in Experimental: treatments are given for the research purpose Non-experimental: researchers do not give treatment
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2. Exercise on Topic: Experimental versus Nonexperimental Studies Experiment: when researchers give treatments and observe if they cause changes in behavior. Experimental Group: receiving the treatment that is being tested. Control Group: does not receive the treatment that is being tested.
2. Exercise on Topic: Experimental versus Nonexperimental Studies cont’d True Experiment: is when the participant of the experiment are divided at random. Nonexperimental Studies: participants are observed as they naturally exist without experimental treatment. Survey/Poll: when participants are interviewed, questioned or otherwise observed so that their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors as the exist without experimental intervention are determined.
Questions For Discussion
3. Exercise on Topic: Experimental versus Casual- Comparative Studies Experiment: is a study in which treatments are given in order to observe their effects. ( when researchers conduct experiments, they ask, “Does the treatment (i.e., the input or stimulus) given by the researcher cause changes in participants’ behavior (i.e., changes in the output or response)?” Demographics: are the background characteristics of the participants in research, such as gender, age, and income (i.e., such as socioeconomic status). Casual-comparative study: (sometime called an ex post facto study): a nonexperimental study based on observations. (i.e., lung cancer; current conditions: lung cancer, looked at the past to try to identify the possible cause(s) of the condition).
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4. Exercise on Topic: Types of Nonexperimental Research Casual-comparative research: is research in which researchers look to the past for the cause(s) of a current condition. Experiment: when researchers give treatments and observe if they cause changes in behavior. Survey: the purpose of survey is to describe the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of populations. Census: is a count (or study) of all members of a population.
4. Exercise on Topic: Types of Nonexperimental Research cont’d Case study: usually involves only one participant. Longitudinal research: when researchers repeatedly measure traits of the participants over a period of time in order to trace developmental trends. Correlation research: researchers are interested in the degree of relationship among two or more quantitive variables.
4. Exercise on Topic: Types of Nonexperimental Research cont’d Quantitative research: is that researchers gather data in such a way that the data are easy to quantify, allowing for statistical analysis. Qualitative research: researchers gather data that must be analyzed through the use of informed judgment to identify major and minor themes expressed by participants. Historical research: information is examined in order to understand the past.
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5. Exercise on Topic: Variable in Nonexperimental Studies cont’d Variable: a trait or characteristic with two or more categories. Mutually Exclusive Categories: each respondent will belong to one and only one category. Exhaustive: a variable must have a category for each respondent’s opinion.
Independent Variable: stimulus or input; causes change; also any variable that comes first. Predictor: independent variable Dependent Variable: response or output/outcome; variable that comes later. Criterion: standard 5. Exercise on Topic: Variable in Nonexperimental Studies
Questions For Discussion
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