AP Review Day 5 Ch 7 Handouts- explain two handouts (very good for review and essay development) FRQ- Free Response Question- Essay – Each student is to write 3 essays for the AP Exam 1 DBQ ( 1 hr to write- 15 minutes read docs, 15 minutes to prepare essay, 30 min to write 2 Frqs (there are 4 choices on which to write) each essay has 35 minutes of time to write- 10 min to develop essay, 25 min to write – 2 FRQs pre-Civil War – 2 FRQs post Civil war » Choose one FRQ from each time period
FRQ Process just like writing a regular essay or DBQ without the documents 1) Re-write Question – DO/ What 2) Brainstorm- list as many facts and ideas as your can about the essay subject, hopefully you can see themes and develop an idea of what you can write about looking at your brainstorm (much like you would w the DBQ ID/Sum/OI 3) Thesis- write a 1 or 2 sentence answer to the question (make sure your thesis answers the question w 2 or 3 themes/arguments that you can input your brainstormed OI as evidence 4) Cluster- simply input the argument and OI that will be used in each paragraph (you do not need to include explanations here unless they are popping off in your head and you want to get your explanations on paper before you forget that idea) – Remember, the goal here is to finish and create a quality essay in the giving time to write (35 minutes) by trying to come up with 1) a strong thesis 2) as much OI as possible (9-12) 3) strong analysis/explanations that prove how your OI answers your question (you are not simply listing facts but applying those facts to answer the question
FRQ #5- P 164 #2 Were the grassroots movements in the Age of Reform successful in achieving their goals? In your answer cite three of the following: a. Women’s Rights b. abolitionism c. Transcendentalism d. 2 nd Great Awakening 1) Step #1- rewrite question using DO/What DOWhat * notice that the question has already listed/created 3 categories that you could use as a template for your 3 paragraphs ( you pick which 3 you have the information on)
Step 2- Brainstorm (list as much information as possible about the Age of Reform- Look at P if possible Women’s Rights – Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott – Seneca Falls – Declaration of Rights and Sentiments – Cult of Domesticity – Republican Motherhood – 14 th Amendment – 19 th Amendment – Betty Friedan/ Feminine Mystique Abolitionism (define) – William Lloyd Garrison/ The Liberator – Frederick Douglass – Sojourner Truth – Harriet Tubman – Harriet Beecher Stowe/ Uncle Tom’s Cabin – John Brown/ Harper’s Ferry If you don’t know some of these terms up here, you know what to do next! If you want to pass, make sure you have a vault of information and facts that you have remember or memorized (note cards) Transcendentalism (define) P 158 – Market Economy (P 150 look at tensions in US and Unfavorable Economic Conditions P152 and Social Conditions P 153) – American System – Ralph Waldo Emerson – Hudson River School (P158) – Henry David Thoreau (Walden, Civil Disobedience) 2 nd Great Awakening (define, focus of sermons) P157 – Role of Women – Charles Finney (p. 158 ideas) – Joseph Smith – Temperance Movement (P159) – Prison Reform – Utopian Societies (P 159) define Harmonists, Brook Farm – 2 pt e.c. if you define every term on this slide (preferably note cards)
Step 3- Create a thesis statement that answers the question Explain how successful 3 of the following reform movement were in achieving it’s goals Women’s Rights, Abolitionism, Transcendentalism, 2 nd Great Awakening, 1) Repeat part of the question (Think why these reform movements started in the first place) 2) three arguments based on three of the reform movements (how successful were they in achieving their goals
Argument (you don’t have to write a sentence, just know what part of the thesis this cluster is about OI#1- write down the term (you do not need to include def b/c you already have memorized it OI#2- write down the term (you do not need to include def b/c you already have memorized it OI#3- write down the term (you do not need to include def b/c you already have memorized it Explanation- it is not necessary to write anything here unless you already have some analysis that is in your head and you will forget it Don’t stop and think now, get to writing Explanation- it is not necessary to write anything here unless you already have some analysis that is in your head and you will forget it Don’t stop and think now, get to writing Explanation- it is not necessary to write anything here unless you already have some analysis that is in your head and you will forget it Don’t stop and think now, get to writing
Create a cluster- remember, time is of the essence and you want to quickly formulate a frame that will allow you to organize your ideas, write quickly and effectively without getting lost, and even add on to the essay as ideas flow into your mind as you write
What next? Write this essay up if you have missed a pervious essay or want to replace any of your previous essays at turnitin.org (look at leuzinger.org for instructions on how to sign up and input essays if you have already not done so)