Drexel Siok Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control Delaware Coastal Programs Project of special merit NA12NOS "Improving the Benchmark of Coastal Hazards Policy Implementation"
Project Work Plan Task 1. Inventory and Compile Existing Vertical Control Infrastructure Phase 1. Detailed assessment of existing Benchmark infrastructure Phase 2. Gap analysis in Coverage Task 2. Conduct Height Modernization to establish backbone network and sentinel network Phase 1. Installation of Benchmarks in Key Areas or Data Gaps Phase 2. Conduct Height Modernization of Benchmark Network Phase 3. Perform Orthometric Height Analysis Phase 4. Publish Result of Height Modernization to NGS Database Task 3. Development of Guidance Document and Distribution to the Community of Users in Delaware. Project of special merit NA12NOS "Improving the Benchmark of Coastal Hazards Policy Implementation"
Existing Benchmarks Source NGS DCP Shoreline and Waterway Section USFWS Project of special merit NA12NOS "Improving the Benchmark of Coastal Hazards Policy Implementation"
Identifying the Problem
Solution to the Problem
Task 1. Inventory and Compile Existing Vertical Control Infrastructure Delaware Reconnaissance 1,465 Total benchmarks 413 Recovered ○ 238 Suitable for Height Mod ○ 36 Not Suitable for Height Mod ○ 139 Not Suitable for GPS 327 Not recovered 692 Not Validated ○ Access issues ○ Thought to be destroyed ○ Water tower/Spire Project of special merit NA12NOS "Improving the Benchmark of Coastal Hazards Policy Implementation"
Task 2. Conduct Height Modernization to establish backbone network and sentinel network New Castle County No additional benchmarks needed Kent County 22 New benchmarks installed Sussex County 11 new benchmarks installed Project of special merit NA12NOS "Improving the Benchmark of Coastal Hazards Policy Implementation"
Delaware Coastal Programs Current Needs for Accurate Elevation Data Water Level Monitoring Kitts Hummock New Castle County Dikes 5 historic dikes which serve for flood protection Water Control Structures In all three counties Road Elevation Profiles Access roads to coastal communities Emergency Evacuation routes Project of special merit NA12NOS "Improving the Benchmark of Coastal Hazards Policy Implementation"
Challenges Project of special merit NA12NOS "Improving the Benchmark of Coastal Hazards Policy Implementation" Advice
Can Only be Accomplished with Partners and Support! USFWS Susan Guiteras, Laura Mitchell Delaware Geologic Survey Tom Mckenna Delaware Coastal Program Kenny Smith, Christina Pinkerton, Carl Yetter Shoreline and Waterway Section Allen Macdonald Project of special merit NA12NOS "Improving the Benchmark of Coastal Hazards Policy Implementation"
Questions or Comments? Drexel Siok Delaware Coastal Program; DNREC 5 East Reed Street, Suite 201 Dover, De Project of special merit NA12NOS "Improving the Benchmark of Coastal Hazards Policy Implementation"