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Presentation transcript:


What is Standards-based Grading and Reporting and Why are We Implementing It?

Why did we change?  Traditional grading is often subjective and combines everything in a subject into a single grade  Since each subject has multiple skills that must be learned, the grade does not tell you anything about what particular areas a student mastered or what areas are still in progress.  Traditional grades are often not consistent from one teacher to the next.

How is this better?  More consistent standards across classrooms  Measures all students on a comparable scale  More accurately shows families specific areas of strength and areas that are in development  Tells us what students have actually learned  Looks at knowledge over time; moving toward proficiency

What is the same  What we value is still the same, what has changed is the way in which we communicate the information to you.  We want all students to learn, to become responsible, and to provide information to families about achievement

Why are we implementing standards- based grading and reporting? New  ES, P, I, N  Grades based on quality or depth of learning (proficiency and mastery)  Objective specific Old OLD  O, S, N or A, B, C  Grades based on the quantity or amount a child mastered (percentages and points)  Subject specific

In progress (I) In progress toward meeting the grade-level standard. Exceptional (ES) Exceptional at the grade-level standard. Meets the grade-level standard by demonstrating proficiency of the content or processes for the measurement topic. Proficient (P) Levels of Performance Instruction begins at the grade-level standard. How the student performs at the grade-level standard determines level of proficiency. How the student responds Instruction on the Measurement Topic Not yet or minimal (N) Not yet making progress or making minimal progress toward meeting the grade-level standard.

PROFICIENCY!!!!! What is the goal?

How are Curriculum 2.0 and Standards-based Grading and Reporting Aligned?

Curriculum 2.0 Organization Measurement Topics  Related learning goals are organized into Measurement Topics.  Each content in Curriculum 2.0 contains two or more Measurement Topics.

Measurement Topics

What are the Components of the Curriculum 2.0 Report Card?

Reporting Progress The goal is for all students to get a P This may take more time for some than others ES is not automatically given to students above grade level; instructional level and proficiency on measurement topics are separate areas It is about quality, not quantity or speed

Standards-based Report Card Subject Measurement Topic

Standards-Based Report Card Social Studies (Grade 1) P P P P ES

Reporting the Reading Level Grade 3

Math Enrichment/Acceleration

Learning Skills Kindergarten Personal and Social Development Follows classroom rules and routines Interacts easily with peers Shows initiative and self-direction Uses classroom materials appropriately Grades 1 – 3 Work Habits Follows rules and routines Completes tasks Kindergarten – Grade 3 Thinking and Academic Success Skills Analysis Collaboration Effort/Motivation/Persistence Elaboration Evaluation Flexibility Fluency Intellectual Risk Taking Metacognition Originality Synthesis

Learning Skills: Codes CodeDescription DEMDemonstrating PRGProgressing NNot yet evident

Additional Information  Your child ’ s teachers  School principal  A Parent’s Guide to Curriculum ntary/guides.aspx  Curriculum 2.0 website: