Registration Tutorial 2016 MASC Legislative Session
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Dashboard Begin Event Registration
Advisor Information
Your response to the next item depends on which of 3 possible attending advisor scenarios apply to your registration: 1.You are the attending advisor 2.Another adult from your school is the attending advisor 3.The attending advisor for your delegation is registering with another school or office, e.g. another school advisor is taking on your delegation, too, or the regional advisor will sub for you at the event. Advisor Information
Scenario 1 You are the attending advisor Click “Yes” Enter your information Click “Continue”
Scenario 2 Another adult from your school will be the attending advisor Click “No” Enter the other adult’s information Click “Continue” Click “No”
Scenario 3 An adult registering with another school or office will be the attending advisor Click “No” Enter the other adult’s information Click “Continue” Click “Yes”
Summary Page If you are adding additional attendees
Step 1. Add Attendees Enter information Click “Submit”
Step 1. Add Attendees As you continue to enter information and click “Submit,” you will see your list of attendees grow.
Step 1. Add Attendees When you have entered your last attendee, uncheck this box, then click “Submit.”
Step 1. Add Attendees If you still have more to add, click here. If you are done submitting attendees, click on one of these.
Step 2. Summary & Payment Method Enter additional comments here.
Step 2. Summary & Payment Method Select your payment method.
Step 2. Summary & Payment Method Click “Submit Registration.”
Registration Confirmation
Dashboard From now on, whenever you log in, you will come to this page.
If you have any questions, click on “FAQ” at the top of your dashboard, or… Contact the MASC Registrar at