VBF H- > ττ- > lept had Electron Channel Jaspreet Sidhu ATLAS Toronto meeting
Goals Produce updated Full Simulation of H-> ττ, τ-> e, τ-> h, with good TRT(Transition Radiation Track) simulation Improve Electron Identification Improve Reconstruction Efficiency
Data Set Generation + Simulation – Release – Rome layout, with TRT simulation Digitization + Reconstruction – Release – Default reconstruction parameters Electrons, tau’s…, jets – R=0.4 Cone algorithm for jets – AOD objects Pythia Production H-> ττ, VBF mode Events M H = 115GeV τ-> e, τ-> h (σ x BR) = 390 fb
Full simulation (Tau ID, Elec ID) Tau is essentially a narrow jet in the dectector Tau Id Cuts abs(charge)==1 NumTrack ==1,3 likelihood >4 Elec ID hasTrack() pT > 20GeV egamma object isEM ==0 (using all the flags)
Elec Id (compare TRT ) Truth Container ( 3930 electrons, 3466 events) Begin with electron candidates Basic Cut: Pt <20GeV, HasTrack(), Egamma Object ( 5119 electrons) Cut# elec (%) isEM (all flags) % Isolation (EtCone<10GeV) % isEM (no TRT) % Isolation % epiNN % Isolation %
Number of Electrons All Electrons Basic Cut isEM All flags isEM No TRT
epiNN Cut
Summary Production test went well (except for Condor crashes) Improving Elect ID with TRT and Isolation EoverP studies going on Tau identification still to be done Trigger to be included in the next reconstruction round