3 1. VISION The Department of Labour will strive for a labour market which is conducive to economic growth, investment and employment creation and which is characterized by rising skills, equity, sound labour relations, respect for employment standards and worker rights.
4 2. MISSION STATEMENT The Department of Labour will play a significant role in reducing unemployment, poverty and inequality through a set of policies and programmes developed in consultation with social partners, which are aimed at: Improved economic efficiency and productivity Skills development and employment creation Sound labour relations Eliminating inequality and discrimination in the workplace Alleviating poverty in employment Enhancing Occupational Health and Safety awareness and compliance in the work place Nurturing the culture of acceptance that worker rights are human rights
6 3. MINISTERIAL PROGRAMME OF ACTION STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Contribution to employment creation Enhancing skills development Promote equity in the labour market Protecting vulnerable workers Strengthening multilateral and bilateral relations Strengthening social protection
7 MINISTERIAL PROGRAMME OF ACTION (continued ) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Promoting sound labour relations Strengthening the capacity of labour market institutions Monitoring the impact of legislation Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Department
8 4. RECENT ACHIEVEMENTS 4.1 Decentralisation of functions and delegating authority. The decentralisation of services encompasses the refocusing of the organisation for better service delivery, ensuring that the Department works smarter with limited resources. Functions have been identified for decentralisation to Provincial and Labour Centre levels.
9 RECENT ACHIEVEMENTS (continued) 4.2Service Delivery job seekers and placement opportunities were registered on Employment Services System and job seekers placed between April and December 2007.
10 Employment opportunities registered in the Employment Services System PO No of job seekers registered No of opportunities registered No of job seekers matched No placed GN GS NW WC MP LP EC NC KZN FS Total
11 RECENT ACHIEVEMENTS (continued) 4.2Service Delivery (cont.) youths were assessed and placed in National Youth Service programmes in the infrastructure sector compared to a target of people with disabilities received bursaries to the value of R
12 RECENT ACHIEVEMENTS (continued) 4.2Service Delivery (cont.) Through collaboration with the Umsobomvu Youth Fund, youths were trained of which, were placed in employment. The target is
13 Training & Placement categories FSYouth379950%248465% GNYouth429065%287467% GSYouth444463%28530% NWYouth64913%64913% WCYouth893561%450950% MPYouth663775%599890% LPYouth254144%243896% ECYouth493240%437936% NCYouth192850%151745% KZNYouth223263%113651% TOTAL % %
14 RECENT ACHIEVEMENTS (continued) 4.2Service Delivery (cont.) workplaces were inspected between April and December 2007 against a target of for the year. Of these, (76%) complied with labour legislation requirements within 90 days workplaces inspected were in industries with high OHS incidence rates
workplaces inspected and at least 75% compliance levels ensured within 90 days of inspection conducted PO No inspectedNo of employer complying within 90 days % Settlement within 90 days GN % GS % NW % WC % MP % LP % EC % NC % KZN % FS % TOTAL %
16 OHS:At least 4000 workplaces in high risk industries inspected SectorNo of workplaces inspected Construction6211 Agriculture2099 Food and Beverage2836 Iron and Steel2909 TOTAL14055
17 RECENT ACHIEVEMENTS (continued) 4.2Service Delivery (cont.) Of the labour related complaints reported, (81%) were investigated and the cases concluded within 90 days.
18 70% of labour related complaints reported investigated and settled within 90 days PO Total NumberTotal number complaints investigated within 90 days Total number complaints settled within 90 days % GN GS NW WC MP LP EC NC KZN FS TOTAL
19 RECENT ACHIEVEMENTS (continued) 4.3Skills Development (NSF) Between April and December 2007, A total of social development skills projects were supported at a cost of R199,809,405 to train against a target of unemployed people. Of those trained, (73%) were placed in employment, self –employment, projects or further studies unemployed learners were registered in various ABET levels 1064 learners were enrolled in various programmes and R114 m was spent against the allocated R887 m Provincial Strategic Projects
20 RECENT ACHIEVEMENTS (continued) 4.3Skills Development (cont.) Between April and December 2007 Scarce and critical skills data base was updated and placed on DoL website SMME’s, NGOs, Co-ops were supported by SETAs against a target of ABET employed learners were registered with completing employed learners entered various learning programmes and completed unemployed entered various programmes and completed
21 RECENT ACHIEVEMENTS (continued) 4.3Skills Development (cont.) Between April and December learners in scarce and critical were assisted to enter workplaces 947 learners were registered in New Venture Creation Programmes A Draft framework for implementing Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) was developed INDLELA new refocus strategy was developed and approved.
22 RECENT ACHIEVEMENTS (continued) 4.4Labour Market Policy Private security sector minimum wages and contract cleaning and civil engineering sectoral determinations were reviewed and published. The hospitality sectoral determination was promulgated and published in May 2007.
23 RECENT ACHIEVEMENTS (continued) 4.4Labour Market Policy (cont.) In 2006/07, awareness raising activities for the child labour programme of action were conducted in all provinces. Pilot programmes were implemented to address the worst forms of child labour.
24 RECENT ACHIEVEMENTS (continued) 4.4Labour Market Policy (cont.) The worst forms of child labour include the commercial sexual exploitation of children, child trafficking, scavenging and children used by adults to commit crimes.
25 RECENT ACHIEVEMENTS (continued) 4.4Labour Market Policy (cont.) A planning tool for the delivery of water aims to bring water points closer to users.
26 RECENT ACHIEVEMENTS (continued) 4.4Labour Market Policy (cont.) Research has been concluded on the reduction of working hours, bargaining councils, the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) and the labour market.
27 RECENT ACHIEVEMENTS (continued) 4.4Labour Market Policy (cont.) Research has been conducted by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), together with the development policy research unit of the University of Cape Town and the sociology of work programme of the University of the Witwatersrand.
28 5. STRATEGIC OVERVIEW : 2004/05 – 2010/11 The Department of Labour aims to support key government policies for the second decade of democracy through activities that will: Contribute to the growth and development in the economy;
29 5. STRATEGIC OVERVIEW continued: 2004/05 – 2010/11 Increase the ability of the economy to create employment; Address the needs of vulnerable and poor people in the second economy; Promote social security to contribute towards poverty alleviation; and Address racial and gender inequality.
30 6. KEY POLICY DEVELOPMENTS The Department has prioritised the following areas over the MTEF period. The Department is tasked with enhancing the employment services system. The system will register work seekers and job opportunities and will provide:
31 6. KEY POLICY DEVELOPMENTS (cont) Job matching services Career guidance and counselling services Information services Skills development referrals Special services for designated groups
32 6. KEY POLICY DEVELOPMENTS (cont) Phase I is being implemented at all Labour Centres. This involves the rollout of: The registration of job seekers, employers and placement opportunities The matching of job seekers with job opportunities The training of trainers and users of the system
33 6. KEY POLICY DEVELOPMENTS (cont) A career guidance and counselling system will be developed and implemented by 2010/11. Public comments on the draft employment services regulations (which compel public and private employers to register vacancies) were published in August 2007 a revised regulation is scheduled to be finalised in February 2008
34 KEY POLICY DEVELOPMENTS (cont) A joint policy statement on the Review of the National Qualifications Framework was tabled to Cabinet in August A Skills Conference was held in October 2007 to review implementation, quality of provision, funding and SETAs A NEDLAC Review of SETAs was initiated A draft Skills Development Amendment Bill was developed and published for comment on 28February 2008.
35 6. KEY POLICY DEVELOPMENTS (cont) The proposed amendments are aimed at: Adjusting SETA functions relating to quality assurance Establishment of the QCTO Introducing various learning routes to attain artisan status and repeal of the Manpower Training Act of Listing the NSF as a public entity Adjusting functions of the National Skills Authority in relation to the National Skills Fund and QCTO
36 6. KEY POLICY DEVELOPMENTS (cont) The Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) will be developed by April 2009 in collaboration with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and in consultation with social partners, focussing mainly on employment creation.
37 6. KEY POLICY DEVELOPMENTS (cont) The four pillars of the Decent Work Agenda will be dealt with in the context of related government reform processes and the Department’s constitutional obligations Fundamental principles and rights at work and international labour standards Employment and income opportunities Social dialogue and tripartism Social protection and social insurance
38 7. STRATEGY FOR BETTER SERVICE DELIVERY Enhancement of the Employment Services System Enhancement of the Inspection and Enforcement System Development and implementation of Service Delivery Standards Provision of Tools of Trade to our staff for effective service rendering
39 STRATEGY FOR BETTER SERVICE DELIVERY (Continued) Access Strategy Department will explore other Service Delivery Channels including: Multimedia Call centre with Customer Relations Management (CRM) capabilities Mobile Labour Centres fully resourced
40 STRATEGY FOR BETTER SERVICE DELIVERY (Continued) Partnerships with Private sector and public sector entities expanded and strengthened Cellular telephony used for transaction based services and information dissemination Telephone line and interactive questionnaire on the Web site for clients
41 8. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PLAN THROUGH A PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP (PPP) Employment Services System( Phase 2 & 3) –( SETA PMS System, Grant Disbursement system, NSFDIS and Career Information system) Inspection and Enforcement System Claims and Fund Disbursement Systems in terms of the Compensation Fund and the Unemployment Insurance Fund Human Resource Management System Financial Management System Management Information System
42 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PLAN THROUGH A PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP (PPP) (Continued) On-going Refresh of the IT infrastructure Improvement of the efficiency of the Department’s Virtual Private Network which is provided by SITA Use of mobile and wireless technologies to facilitate service delivery in remote areas. Call centre technologies to facilitate CRM Cellular telephony for transaction based services and for information dissemination
43 9. HUMAN RESOURCE PLAN The Human Resource plan supports the strategic plan through an appropriate organizational structure and implementation of HR policies Competencies ensured through a Skills Audit and the gaps addressed through Training and development Vacancies to be filled in line with the Recruitment and Selection Policy Staff attrition to be addressed through the career management and retention policy and succession planning.
44 HUMAN RESOURCE PLAN (Continued) Uniform remuneration and grading across similar jobs ensured through job evaluation Employment Equity addressed as per the EE plan Workplace well being addressed through the establishment of on-site wellness centres, counselling and life skills programmes Management of performance monitored and done promptly
PUBLIC ENTITIES AND OTHER AGENCIES The National Skills Authority (NSA) Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) Compensation Fund (CF) Productivity SA (Formerly NPI) Twenty-three Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs) National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC) Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) Umsobomvu Youth Fund (UYF).
/2009 Final Vote
/2009 Final Vote In terms of the 2008 ENE, the Department of Labour’s Vote number has been adjusted to Vote 15. Major decreases to the Vote in respect of the 2008/2009 financial year are attributable to: – a reduced allocation of R5 million in respect of the recapitalization of the Umsobomvu Youth Fund (UYF) from R400 million in 2007/08.
/2009 Final Vote For 2008/09, the Department did receive additional funding to address the following: –Risk and Asset Management –Capacity in respect of the employment services system –Feasibility study for the SEF( Business case) –Additions to address salary adjustments
50 12.CONCLUSION Strategic Plan to be seen within context of ASGI-SA Strategic Plan to be used as a basis for measuring the Department’s performance in the next three years