AASHTO Standing Committee on Rail Transportation Partnering with Suppliers September 21, 2009
Founded in 1908, RSI has 100 years in serving the supplier industry Member Companies High Paying Domestic Manufacturing Jobs – C & S, MOW, Freight & Passenger Car Builders, Component Suppliers We assist the railway supply industry in a variety of ways, including: Representation on Capitol Hill and federal regulatory agencies. Networking with other professionals and customers in the railway supply and rail industry. RSI Members participate in the 7 Association Committees which support and advance industry goals in both the private and public sectors. Marketing opportunities held throughout the year. A BOUT THE R AILWAY S UPPLY I NSTITUTE
R EPRESENTATION ON C APITOL H ILL We ensure the rail supply industry voice is heard on : Rail Capacity & Infrastructure Funding High Speed Rail Rail Safety & Security Tank Car Safety & Security Rail Reregulation Surface Transportation Bill Grade Crossing Safety Program Truck Size & Weights Energy & Environment
R EPRESENTATION WITH F EDERAL R EGULATORY A GENCIES U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration Railroad Safety Advisory Committee Positive Train Control Passenger Safety Federal Transit Administration Federal Highway Administration Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Research & Innovative Technology Administration U.S. Department of Homeland Security Transportation Security Administration Surface Transportation BoardNational Transportation Safety Board
Association of American RailroadsAmerican Short Line and Regional RailroadsAmerican Public Transportation Association American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials AmtrakNational Association of Railroad PassengersOperation LifesaverOneRail CoalitionStates for Passenger Rail Coalition RSI Rail Alliances in Washington, DC
Association Committees RSI has 7 working Committees in order to support and advance railway supply industry goals in both the private and public sector. Washington Affairs Committee ◦ Communications & Signaling Working Group ◦ PTC, Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Safety ◦ Passenger Transportation Working Group ◦ HSR/Amtrak ◦ Equipment Standards, Buy America ◦ Maintenance of Way Working Group Quality Assurance Committee
Association Committees (continued) Freight Car Focused Committees American Railway Car Institute Committee Equipment Leasing Committee Standard Coupler Manufacturer’s Committee State Taxation Committee Tank Car Committee
Railway Interchange 2011 September 18-21, 2011 Minneapolis, MN RSI, REMSA, RSSI, and AREMA negotiated and agreed on a joint show format to be held every 2 years in response to a request from the Class 1 railroads This schedule purposely does not compete with the Innotrans Berlin tradeshow to be held in 2010 and Indoor & Outdoor Tradeshow Exhibits Technical Conferences
Nicole Brewin 50 F Street, N.W., Suite 7030 Washington, DC Phone: (202) Please Visit us at: