2000 Texas Population by Age Source: 2000 U.S Census Bureau.


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Presentation transcript:

2000 Texas Population by Age Source: 2000 U.S Census Bureau

2004 State Population Source: 2000 U.S Census Bureau

2000 Texas Elderly Population Source: 2000 U.S. Census Bureau

2004 State Elderly Population Source: 2000 U.S. Census Bureau

2000 Percent of Male and Female Source: 2000 U.S Census Bureau

2004 Male / Female Population Source: 2000 U.S Census Bureau

2000 Racial and Cultural Diversity Percentage Source: 2000 U.S Census Bureau

2004 Racial and Cultural Diversity Percentage Source: 2000 U.S Census Bureau

Rate of Juvenile Arrests Per 1,000 Juveniles Source: Texas Uniform Crime Reports

Rate of Juvenile Arrests Per 1,000 Juveniles Source: Texas Uniform Crime Reports

Rate of Juvenile Arrests Per 1,000 Juveniles Source: Texas Uniform Crime Reports

Rate of Adult Arrests Per 1,000 Adults Source: Texas Uniform Crime Reports

Rate of Adult Arrests Per 1,000 Adults Source: Texas Uniform Crime Reports

Rate of Family Violence Incidents Per 1,000 population Source: Texas Uniform Crime Report

Child Confirmed Abuse Rate Per 1,000 population Source: Texas Dept. of Family & Protective Services

Adult Confirmed Abuse

Number of Family Violence Victims Served Source: Texas Dept. of Human Services

Recipients of Food Stamps, Medicaid, & TANF Source: Texas Department of Human Services

Unemployment Rate Source: Texas Workforce Commission

1999 Elderly Poverty Status (65 years and over) Percent (%) Source: 2000 U.S. Census Bureau 2000

1999 Poverty Status of Individuals Under 18 Years of Age Percent below poverty level (%) Source: 2000 U.S. Census Bureau 2000

Children in Poverty ( %) Percent below poverty level (%) Source: 2000 U.S. Census Bureau

All Ages in Poverty Percent below poverty level (%) Source: 2000 U.S. Census Bureau 2000

Per Capita Income Source: 2000 U.S. Census Bureau 2000

Median Income Source: 2000 U.S. Census Bureau 2000

Median Income by Mature Age Groups Source: Demogra[phicsnow.com

Labor Force: 16 years & over Source: Demographicsnow

1999 Single Parent Households Percent below poverty level (%) Source: 2000 U.S. Census Bureau 2000

2000 Grandparents as Caregivers Percent (%) Source: 2000 U.S. Census Bureau

Texas Adults with Mental Illness: Estimates Source: 2003 Texas Dept. of Mental Health and Mental Retardation

2000 Disability Status by Age Source: 2000 U.S Census Bureau Percent (%)

Percent of Teen Births Source: Texas Dept. of Health Percent (%)

Infant Mortality Rate Per 1,000 population Source: Texas Department of Health

Percent of Low Birth Weight Source: 2001 Texas Dept. of Health Percent (%)

Mortality Rate Per 1,000 population Source: Texas Dept. of Health

Deaths due to Liver Disease & Cirrhosis Per 10,000 population Source: Texas Dept. of Health: Texas Vital Statistics

Infant Mortality Rate Per 1,000 population Source: Texas Department of Health

Percent of Low Birth Weight Source: Texas Dept. of Health Percent (%)

Source: Texas Department of Health Chlamydia Rate per 1,000 population Half year only

Source: Texas Department of Health Gonorrhea Rate per 1,000 population Half year only

Diseases of the Heart Deaths Per 10,000 population Source: Texas Dept. of Health: Texas Vital Statistics

Malignant Neoplasm Deaths Per 10,000 population Source: Texas Dept. of Health: Texas Vital Statistics

Accident Deaths Per 10,000 population Source: Texas Dept. of Health: Texas Vital Statistics

Suicide Per 10,000 population Source: Texas Dept. of Health: Texas Vital Statistics

Homicide Per 10,000 population Source: Texas Dept. of Health: Texas Vital Statistics

Deaths by Diabetes

2000 Public Transportation and Travel Time Source: 2000 U.S. Census Bureau

Total Number of Students in Texas School System Source: Texas Dept. of Health: Texas Vital Statistics

READING TAAS Percent Passing Source: Texas Education Agency

MATH TAAS Percent Passing Source: Texas Education Agency

READING TAKS Percent Passing Source: Texas Education Agency

MATH TAKS Percent Passing Source: Texas Education Agency

Reading TAKS Met Standard (Sum of All Grades Tested) (Panel Recommendation)

Math TAKS Met Standard (Sum of All Grades Tested) (Panel Recommendation)

Limited English Proficiency Percent of Students Source: Texas Education Agency

Students with Disciplinary Placements Percent of Students Source: Texas Education Agency

Economically Disadvantaged Students (free or reduced lunch program) Percent of Students Source: Texas Education Agency

Attendance Rate Rate of Students Source: Texas Education Agency

Graduation Rate Rate of Students Source: Texas Education Agency

Total Number of Graduates in the Texas School System Source: Texas Dept. of Health: Texas Vital Statistics

Graduates by Race/Ethnicity Percent of Graduates Source: Texas Education Agency

Educational Status of Unmarried Mothers: Less than 12 yrs of Education Percent (%) Source: Demographicnow

Total Housing Units Percent Source: Dmographicsnow

Vehicles Available Source: Demographicsnow Percent of Vehicles Available

Educational Attainment Population Age 25 + Source: Demographicsnow

% of Children in Head Start Program ages 3 and 4 Source: KIDSCOUNT

Children Enrolled in CHIPS Source: KIDSCOUNT

Infants and children Receiving WIC Source: WIC AUSTIN

Divorce Rate Source: VITAL STAT- TX

Marriage rate / 1,000 Source: VITAL STAT- TX

Abortion % Source: VITAL STAT- TX

HIV rate per 1,000 Source: VITAL STAT- TX

AIDS rate per 1,000 Source: VITAL STAT- TX