Lianna Galstyan ISOC Armenia September 18, 2015
Organizers Internet Governance Council Ministry of Transport and Communication ISOC Armenia
Participants ArmIGF 2015 was attended by 170 on-site participants, coming from 10 foreign countries (14%) and mainly from Armenia (86%).
Opening keynotes
Program Plenary sessions Multi-stakeholder model of Internet Governance for Armenia. հայ IDN for Armenia Universal Acceptance: Recent Achievements Digital Public Library of Armenia: a Dream or a Reality Internet of Things-Big Data and Big Opportunities for Economies ICANN accountability and IANA transition
Program Plenary sessions Children Safety on the Internet Problems of the National Research and Education Network (NREN) Intellectual Property Rights and Free Access to Internet Resources The impact of Internet on further development of Armenian SMEs
Program Panel sessions New Media Round table on MSH Cooperation Network Neutrality E-Tools for E-Society Content Cybersecurity
ICANN role and its activity worldwide ArmIGF expectations and results Armenian IDN. հայ Press Conference
Media Coverage
THANK YOU! Lianna Galstyan ISOC Armenia