Lesson 1- Practicing Making Ten and Adding Ten
Complete sprint A with your homeroom
This is a ten frame. The circles are called chips. Game rules: 1.You will see a ten-frame with chips 2.Count how many chips the ten frame has 3.Then write a number sentence that adds up to 10 This is a ten frame. The circles are called chips. Game rules: 1.You will see a ten-frame with chips 2.Count how many chips the ten frame has 3.Then write a number sentence that adds up to 10 How much does 9 need to make ten? One! Say the addition number sentence to make 10, starting with = 10! Write the number sentence on your white board = 10 How much does 9 need to make ten? One! Say the addition number sentence to make 10, starting with = 10! Write the number sentence on your white board = 10
How much does ___ need to make a ten? ___+ ___ = 10 Click here for advances practice to 10 and to 20
These are beads. The beads represent one. Game rules: 1.Numbers 1-5 will be the red beads, numbers 6-10 will be white. Sometimes they can be different color or the same color. 2.Count how many beads you see These are beads. The beads represent one. Game rules: 1.Numbers 1-5 will be the red beads, numbers 6-10 will be white. Sometimes they can be different color or the same color. 2.Count how many beads you see
Let’s count the Say Ten way. This is ten. Now.. Ten 1 Click here for more practice
Now, let’s do some Happy Counting without the beads. Watch my thumb to know whether to count up or down. A thumb in the middle means pause. Let’s count by ones starting at ten 3. Ready? Now, let’s do some Happy Counting without the beads. Watch my thumb to know whether to count up or down. A thumb in the middle means pause. Let’s count by ones starting at ten 3. Ready?
If I say ten 2, you say = 12. What do you say if I say thirteen? = 13. Yes! You guessed the pattern. Here’s another. Ten = 15. Fourteen = 14. ten 6 seventeen eighteen ten 5 eleven ten 8 ten 1 ten 6 seventeen eighteen ten 5 eleven ten 8 ten 1
Complete sprint B with your rotation room
Game Directions: 1.You will have one person be partner A and another be partner B 2.Partner A rolls the die. 3.Partner A writes the number rolled in one part of the first number bond. 4.Partner B makes a bull’s eye by writing the missing part that is needed to make ten. 10
I’ll show a number bond, and you tell me the missing part to make 10. With your partner, take turns saying pairs to make 10. Partner A, you will go first for now. After about 30 seconds, we will switch roles
Students Debrief What new math words did you learn today? What do you hope to get better at in math this year? Do you have a favorite math fact practice and why? Can you figure out the math goal of today’s lesson? What name would you give this lesson?
Abucus game – /ks2/maths/bead/free/free.htm /ks2/maths/bead/free/free.htm
Click here for advances practice to 10 and to 20
Click here for advances practice to 10 and to 20