Design for Sudan DM Outline and Next Steps –Follow up to CDM Training Workshop October 11-13, 2006
1 CDM Objective and Theme Objective: Identify and support innovative approaches for sustainable peace coming out of grassroots organizations. Engage local organizations, private sector, local government, and international donor community in the recovery, reconstruction, and development efforts in post-conflict Sudan Theme: “Towards an inclusive Sudanese Society” Link with CO operations: Sudan DM will have strong links to current efforts of the the MDTF (administered by the WB). It is likely that funds from the MDTF will be allocated to increase the DM awards pool.
2 Design: Target Audience and Projects Eligibility Criteria (What type of applicants?) The program aims to target local organizations and private businesses working on rehabilitation initiatives. However, the competition will be open to: National NGOs and Associations Community-based organizations Small and Medium enterprises Local governmnet Academia Think tanks (in partnership with NGOs or Community-based organizations) Evaluation Criteria (What type of projects?) Proposals will be evaluated based on: Innovation Impact on the recovery, reconstruction process Replicability Impact on poverty Demand for proposed services
3 Design: Outreach, Distribution & Intake Competition Outreach Strategy Country team plans to use Newspaper, TV and radio advertisements Press conference Brochure Workshops and outreach in rural areas through partner NGO if feasible Proposal form distribution Channels guidelines and application through networks and list-servs Distribute through MDTF channels (stakeholders, local government) Distribute at World Bank offices (Khartoum and Juba) Distribute through prominent umbrella NGOs and Associations Proposal Intake Options Post Mail and hand-delivery World Bank Office in Khartoum MDTF Office in Juba Fax
4 Award Size: Currently estimated at $15-20K/project DM recommends to be $15K/project to provide greater investment in fewer projects. This would facilitate monitoring during implementation. Number of Winners If $500K is mobilized, Possible Scenario winners Note: exact number of winners and overall award pool should not be announced with competition to avoid potential letdown if funds are not mobilized. Indicative Administrative Cost Scope of Event Difficult to monitor that many projects unless you outsource (steering committees’ role?)
5 Potential Partners Financial Partners DM – committed $100K in awards and $50K in admin Bilateral donors – MDTFs MDTF-N and MDTF-S Governments GoNU and GoSS In-kind Partners NGOs Oxfam, CARE Int’l, ACCORD Private sector Venue, hotel, refreshments, logistics, etc.