Japan Total Population: 125,341,354 Fertility Rate: 1.2 Compare yourself to that of the population pyramid above. In 1995, you were in the 0-4 age bracket, but in the U.S. Imagine living in Japan at this time and the people you would be around. Reproductive Ages
Japan Total Population: 126,699,784 Fertility Rate: 1.3 Reproductive Ages
Japan Total Population: 127,417,244 Fertility Rate: 1.4 Reproductive Ages
Japan Total Population (est.): 127,194,656 Fertility Rate: 1.4 Reproductive Ages
Japan Total Population (est.): 125,761,937 Fertility Rate: 1.4 Reproductive Ages
Japan Total Population (est.): 123,254,059 Fertility Rate: 1.4 Reproductive Ages
Japan Total Population (est.): 120,001,048 Fertility Rate: 1.5 Reproductive Ages
Japan Total Population (est.): 116,338,080 Fertility Rate: 1.5 Reproductive Ages
Japan Total Population (est.): 112,443,542 Fertility Rate: 1.6 Reproductive Ages
Japan Total Population (est.): 108,370,186 Fertility Rate: 1.7 Reproductive Ages
Japan Total Population (est.): 104,154,393 Fertility Rate: 1.7 Reproductive Ages
Japan Total Population (est.): 99,886,568 Fertility Rate: 1.8 Reproductive Ages