Meeting The Criteria for Genocide What the Turkish government and their Turkish and Kurdish military thugs did, meets ever single one of the 5 criteria of Genocide: 1. Killing members of the group with intent to destroy its race; 2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; 3. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; 4. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; 5. Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Creating a Case for Genocide Based on Lies 1.The 19th century in Turkey was filled with a string of Armenian massacres between that left over 300,000 Armenians dead. They “sided with our enemy” is the 1 st and biggest lie the Turkish government stated during the Genocide and continue to state this lie even within their current government today. 1.Despite the fact that Armenians and other Christians in the Ottoman Empire pushed for social and political reforms, was in no way an empire-wide, Armenian or Christian military “rebellion”. This “rebellion” lie is the 2nd big international lie told by the Turkish government.
How did this happen? By 1913 Talaat Pasha (referred to as the “Turkish Hitler”) rose to power and along with his band of military and racial extremists, seized the Turkish government. Their principles were to give justification to a violent, brutal means to transform the Ottoman Empire into one nation – one people – one race. He was bent on resolving the “Armenian Question”, which for him, meant eliminating all the Armenian people.
A scene of mass execution of over 250 prominent Armenian leaders. Pictures taken by a German officer, Armin T. Wegner – The start of the execution of the Armenian Genocide.
Anna Manoogian
Result of The Armenian Genocide 1.5 Million, 75% of a people, now dead Economic and cultural impacts Hundreds of Churches, schools and businesses were ransacked, than many were destroyed or converted to Turkish property. Land, property, Armenian owned art, architecture, a culture and a land that Armenians called home for 3 thousand years, now gone.
Politics behind Recognition “Historic Armenia ”
Armenian Genocide & The International Response There are scores of first-hand survivor accounts, newspaper accounts, U.S., British, and French missionary and diplomatic accounts, and even diplomatic and missionary accounts from Turkey’s ally during WW1, Germany. Hundreds of books have been written on the Armenian Genocide. The Shoah Foundation has on videotape, witnesses and survivors that speak out. The Armenian Genocide is corroborated by the international scholarly, legal, and human rights community. There were nearly 200 articles from the New York Times alone describing the massacres as they were taking place in Turkey during World War I.
The Turkish Denial Campaign Hundreds of thousands of Turks and Armenians together were in the streets of Istanbul protesting his murder
Armenian Genocide & The International Response Pope Francis Speaks out and holds mass over Armenian Genocide Victims – The media of course focuses on “Turkish response/anger”.
(Right before invading Poland) At the end of a talk to his Generals, Hitler was quoted saying : “Who after all remembers the annihilation of the Armenians ?” We ALL Do !
Closing The Armenian Genocide is not a debate, it is a reality. World leaders should never allow a foreign government’s use of threats to dictate what their own foreign policies should be. Education/Awareness is key to inform. Those informed must push our leaders to do what is morally right. Turkey must accept their historical truth and come to terms for justice to be paid for their crimes of Genocide. There must be a return of Armenian land as well as Church's and other assets of historic and cultural significance. Anna Manoogian – “You can never forget”
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