2.3 Sampling Techniques Terms Population: refers to all individuals who belong to a group being studied
2.3 Sampling Techniques Terms Population: refers to all individuals who belong to a group being studied Sample: a group or items selected from the population
Example 1 Identify the Population in each survey question below How many scars did monkeys get who live in Africa that is dominated by lions?
Example 1 Identify the Population in each survey question below How many scars did monkeys get who live in Africa that is dominated by lions? Population -> monkeys in Africa
Example 1 Identify the Population in each survey question below How many scars did monkeys get who live in Africa that is dominated by lions? Population -> monkeys in Africa Do students prefer robot teachers or human teachers? This is real debate with regards to teachers of English in Asia.
Example 1 Identify the Population in each survey question below How many scars did monkeys get who live in Africa that is dominated by lions? Population -> monkeys in Africa Do students prefer robot teachers or human teachers? This is real debate with regards to teachers of English in Asia. Population -> students
More terms Sampling frame : the group actually have a chance of being selected
More terms Sampling frame : the group actually have a chance of being selected Simple random sample : a sample in which every member of the population has an equal and independent chance of being selected
More terms Systematic sample : a sample selected by listing a population sequentially and choosing members at regular intervals interval = population size / sample size
Systematic sample example interval = pop. of 100/ sample of 20 = every 5 th person surveyed
Stratified sample : a sample in which each group is represented in the same proportion as it appears in the population
Stratified sample : a sample in which each group is represented in the same proportion as it appears in the population i.e., Survey TPS students if they like the i-Phone. Note that there are more gr. 12s than gr. 8s so they should represent more of the survey.
Method Stratified sample : So you choose to survey a fraction of each group within the sample to ensure each group is represented.
Method Stratified sample : Choose a fraction with justification, say 30%. Grade# of StudentsRel. FrequencyNumber Surveyed Total2381
More terms Stratified sample : Choose a fraction with justification, say 30%. Grade# of StudentsRel. FrequencyNumber Surveyed Total
More Sample Types
Cluster sample - the total population is divided into groups (or clusters) and a simple random sample of the groups is selected.
Cluster sample - the total population is divided into groups (or clusters) and a simple random sample of the groups is selected. Example: a fast-food chain could save time and money by surveying all its employees at randomly selected locations instead of surveying randomly selected employees throughout the chain
Cluster sample - the total population is divided into groups (or clusters) and a simple random sample of the groups is selected. Multi-stage sample – several levels of ran. Sampling
Cluster sample - the total population is divided into groups (or clusters) and a simple random sample of the groups is selected. Multi-stage sample – several levels of ran. Sampling Example: To examine Ontario households, you can randomly survey certain cities, then randomly survey random blocks, and then survey random houses.
Sample Types Cluster sample - the total population is divided into groups (or clusters) and a simple random sample of the groups is selected. Multi-stage sample – several levels of ran. sampling Voluntary-response sample – researcher invites any member of population into survey
Cluster sample - the total population is divided into groups (or clusters) and a simple random sample of the groups is selected. Multi-stage sample – several levels of ran. sampling Voluntary-response sample – researcher invites any member of population into survey Convenience sample - sample selected but it’s easily accessible
In class / Home work: 1) Homework: Pg. 117 #1, 2, 3, 6, 8, and 9 *check your work with answers in the back – pg 618 2) Quiz on Friday – histogram/bar graph, definitions, sample types