The transition to Y13 The key choices to be made.
Decisions about progress must not be rushed! No student will be allowed to discontinue a subject without justification or good reason. Subject (results and progress) Impact on potential attainment against MTG Impact on future choices (Must be researched and discussed) Impact on timetable Parental consent will be sought
The UTC will be looking for a “written justification” before any decision about a subject progression is made.
Think about what Employers and Universities want! How could I answer the following questions What was the reason you did not progress with X? How can you justify the fact that at the end of y12 you did not continue with……..? Why did you stop studying x subject at the end of y12?
The Y12 –Y13 transition The UTC will be undertaking individual discussions with students based on their results. Due to our uniquely vocational mix of subjects a simple transition criteria is not possible – all students will be given individualised support.
UCAS and Apprenticeship applications Personal statements should convey passion, desires, knowledge, experience, skills and personal qualities….Sell yourself. Always get your statement proof read…..more than once. Deadline is to have the first draft of a Personal Statement by beginning of Sept term UCAS opens 1 st Sept ( Subject UCAS references are being written now – AS results will be included when known. Full UCAS references will be written from Sept onwards – Those thinking of applying to Oxford/Cambridge need to have done so by Mid Oct. Draft Cvs, letters of application, personal statements for apprenticeships need to be completed by mid Sept. & apprenticeship
Differentiation can improve chances How am I going to stand out? EPQ Visits Volunteering Work Experience Interests Achievements
Any Questions? Please take a copy of the teacher student handout