Lupita Roque A1 Melissa Rojas Briana Plummer Sammi Gleason
Endocrine System = Includes only organs that secrete chemicals called hormones These hormones influence the activity of certain target organs or generate large-scale effects throughout the body. It is in charge of all the hormones in our body, hormones that help regulate our blood sugar, sodium content, fetal development, etc. The ES helps organize and control these hormones in order for our body to properly function.
The pituitary glad organizes the hormones and sends them out.
Growth Hormone (GH) Prolactin (PRL) Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
Stimulates cells to increase in size and divide more frequently Enhances the movement of amino acids across cell membranes Speeds the rate at which cells utilize carbohydrates and fats
Stimulates and sustains women’s milk production after a birth of an infant
Controls thyroid gland secretions The hypothalamus regulates TSH by producing thyrotrophic- releasing hormone.
Pituitary Tumor (usually Benign) but can cause problems such as: Hypersecretion = Too much of any hormone in the body Hyposecretion = Too little of any hormone in the body Hypopituitarism = Affects the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, it can result in a partial or complete loss of functioining in that lobe
Pituitary gland is in charge of numerous hormones yet it is the size of a pea. Called the “master gland” of the body because all other glands depend on its secretions for stimulation Can cause dwarfism due to the low secretion of the growth hormone Or gigantism
What is the hormone Prolactin’s main function? a. Growth b. Regulation of blood cells c. Production of women’s milk after child birth What is the function of the pituitary gland? a.Organizes the hormones and sends them out b.b. regulation of nerve cells c.c. organizes brain cells What three main hormones do the pituitary gland secrete? a.Prolactin, vasopressin, dopamine b.Dopamine, growth-hormone, melatonin c.Prolactin, growth-Hormone, thyroid-Stimulating Hormone Where is the pituitary gland located? The base of the brain
What is the hormone Prolactin’s main function? a. Growth b. Regulation of blood cells c. Production of women’s milk after child birth What is the function of the pituitary gland? a.Organizes the hormones and sends them out b.b. regulation of nerve cells c.c. organizes brain cells What three main hormones do the pituitary gland secrete? a.Prolactin, vasopressin, dopamine b.Dopamine, growth-hormone, melatonin c.Prolactin, growth-Hormone, thyroid-Stimulating Hormone Where is the pituitary gland located? The base of the brain
Shier, David, Jackie Butler, and Ricki Lewis. "11.5." Hole's Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology. Boston: McGraw-Hill, N. pag. Print. "You & Your Hormones." You & Your Hormones. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Sept "Pituitary Disorders: MedlinePlus." U.S National Library of Medicine. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 09 Sept