+ Drafting Paper Two Monday, October 12
+ Working with Supplemental Texts/Discussing Connections Pair up and discuss the two texts you chose and the connections they have to Boyd. Focus your discussion on explaining HOW and WHY the text extends, complicates, challenges, etc. Boyd’s text.
+ More Sample Connection Paragraphs See Sample Connection Body Paragraph 2, which shows how a text qualifies the primary text. See Sample Connection Body Paragraph 3, which shows how you might write about two connections.
+ Body Paragraph Structure for Paper 2: 1. State one of Boyd’s claims and briefly describe how she supports the claim. 2. Give a salient example, and illustrate your example with a quote. 3. Explain the quotation by telling what she is doing, and delineating the ways it ties back to her argument. 4. Introduce the outside text/author, and explain how the secondary text can be read as extending, complicating, challenging, illustrating, or qualifying Boyd’s argument. 5. Use quotes and examples from both Boyd & the outside text to support your analysis. (Okay to only quote the outside text here and refer to Boyd with summary to explain the connection). This explanation is the analysis and can, but does not need to include evaluative discussion. The key thing is the discussion of HOW and WHY the outside source does the work of extending, illustrating, etc.
+ Quick Write: Based on the sample paragraphs you’ve seen so far, revise one of your annotated bibliography entries 1. On a separate sheet of paper, write out the sentence that identifies the connection between the texts as you wrote it in the annotated bibliography. 2. Below that, revise that sentence to clarify the identification and concisely explain the connection to setup the analysis that will follow in the essay.
+ Homework for Wed 10/14 Read TSIS Chapter 4 “Yes/No/Okay, But: Three Ways to Respond” and Chapter 5 “And Yet: Distinguishing What You Say from What They Say” Bring your annotated bibliography, all supplemental texts, notes, and TSIS book to class for in-class writing of paper