GLOBAL BIODIVERSITY INFORMATION FACILITY Vishwas Chavan Senior Programme Officer for DIGIT 10 th Meeting of the GBIF Participant Node Managers Committee 3 – 5 October 2009 Global Biodiversity Resources Discovery System (GBRDS)
Use of Biodiversity Information: without Discovery mechanism MALARIA 247 million cases in 2006 alone One child dies every 30 seconds 109 countries affected institutions engaged in research Enormous volume of data generated over decades
Use of Biodiversity Information: without Discovery mechanism Occurrence data on Anopheles through 16 resources from 9 countries 11,284 records 10,782 geo-referenced records Challenge is to DISCOVER resources
At the core, a Discovery System Consumers Data Publishers Discovering Searching Retrieving Discovery System Registering Service Publishers Others…
That links to resources… Who? Institutions, Collections … What? Where? When? How Data, Services, GUID/LSID… Location, Access points… Temporal Scope… Formats, protocols, qualities A distributed service…………..which resolves to information resources …./
GBRDS? The GBRDS is 1) a Registry of resources and services and 2) a set of discovery services interacting with existing infrastructure such as GBIF to facilitate the discovery of biodiversity information. The most important component, the Registry would facilitate the inventory of information resources by creating a single annotated index of publishers, institutions, networks, collections (datasets), schema repository and services. The envisaged GBRDS is not conceived to be designed as simply a collection of centralized indexes but much more as an integrated ‘Yellow Pages’ reference of all biodiversity information resources, reconciling all distributed resources and providing a meaningful way to discover them in a distributed manner.
GBRDS: empowering discovery
GBRDS Planning Workshop September 2009 Community consultations GBIF Summary Paper: GBRDS
GBRDS: Vision and Scope VISION: l widely shared global system facilitating discovery of ALL biodiversity information resources, digital and non-digital SCOPE: l GBRDS will work between all levels of biodiversity from Genes, to Species, to Ecosystems l GBRDS needs to be shared by all biodiversity and allied information systems / networks
GBRDS: Functionalities GBRDS will provide for: l Biodiversity Informatics Outlook l Discovery and assessment of fitness-for-use l Adding value to existing resources l Strengthening cooperation between initiatives l Enable community participation, social networking, annotation of metadata, ranking, tagging etc.
GBRDS: Implementation Plan 6 months: l Registry of GBRDS l Metadata Catalogue 1 -2 year: l IPT for harvesting metadata l Linkages with other metadata catalogues l Mirror of Registry of GBRDS l National deployments of metadata systems Collaborations: l GBIF Participants, Thematic communities (ILTER, GeoConnections, GISIN, Genebank community, etc.)
? ? Skype: vishwaschavan