Bone of trunk
vertebrae vertebrae Bone of trunk rib sternum sternum Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Sacrum Coccyx
vertebrae Body vertebral foramen (canal) pedicle Arch laminae process (7) spinous process (1) transverse process (2) articular process (4)
vertebrae Cervical vertebrae 1 transverse foramen vertebrae 2 small body and triangular vertebrae foramen 3 short and bifid spine 4 atlas, axis and vertebra foramens 1 costal facet 2 heart-shaped body 3 down-sloping spine 4 frontal articular facet vertebrae Thoracic vertebrae vertebrae Lumbar vertebrae 1 kidney-shaped body 2 Square and horizontal spine 3 articular facet of sagittal plane
Sacrum 1 base,apex and three surface 2 articular surface 3 promontory 4 sacral canal, sacral hiatus and sacral cornu rib 1 head, neck, shaft, angle, groove and tubercle 2 true, false and floating ribs costal arch sternum 1 manubrium, body and xiphoidprocess sternal angle 2 sternal angle 3 clavicular and costal notch
The important and useful term: vertebral foramen (canal) transverse foramen costal facet Promontory sacral canal, sacral hiatus and sacral cornu costal groove and costal arch sternal angle