STATUS REPORT #2 DIGITAL UNDERWATER COMMUNICATION (DUC) GROUP 5 Jeff Prevost, Alexandra Camacho, Jennifer Moyer, Robert Mills February 2nd, 2009
Overall Need Create a device divers can use to efficiently and inexpensively communicate underwater to facilitate a safe and rewarding dive experience.
Tasks Completed Purchased two LCD Screens Decided on communications topology 40kHz +/- 1kHz) Ordered acoustic transducers Ordered two waterproof cases Chose a device name (DUC – Digital Underwater Communicator) Beginning to design communications circuitry Completed prototyping with Dragon12 board Decided on device user menu interface structure
Ongoing Tasks Show successful communication with serial interface using acoustic transducers to send and receive packets of data. Finishing up UML related to Use Cases, Activity Diagrams and State Diagrams related to how the device will operate Build code to allow for menu traversing
Upcoming Milestones Complete program for menu system (2/11/2009) Build communications prototype using acoustic transducers (2/16/2009) Locate pushbutton input device that meets design requirements (2/4/2009) Complete UML design (2/4/2009) Build power management circuitry (2/11/2009)
Functional Block Diagram
Questions and Discussion