Christmas habits
Making boats One of the most popular Christmas tradition is making boats from walnut shells, which we announce our future. Everyone must make the boat itself. It's not difficult. Crack the walnut, from which we select the core. The wax shell and instill přiděláme small candle. Rozlomíme large candles instead of small pieces about 2.5 cm, because the boat with a large candle could easily be overturned. Each shell is one of a family member, court tells us whether the family will be next year, stick together, or whether parts. If the shell of a full member of the dive, this is usually interpreted as a departure from the man's house. Boats are also able to answer our questions. In the tradition may ask only one spoken clearly and at a time when the boat from the shell and light the candle you drop it on the water. The question could relate to everything that interests us as love, family, work, success. One of the most popular Christmas tradition is making boats from walnut shells, which we announce our future. Everyone must make the boat itself. It's not difficult. Crack the walnut, from which we select the core. The wax shell and instill přiděláme small candle. Rozlomíme large candles instead of small pieces about 2.5 cm, because the boat with a large candle could easily be overturned. Each shell is one of a family member, court tells us whether the family will be next year, stick together, or whether parts. If the shell of a full member of the dive, this is usually interpreted as a departure from the man's house. Boats are also able to answer our questions. In the tradition may ask only one spoken clearly and at a time when the boat from the shell and light the candle you drop it on the water. The question could relate to everything that interests us as love, family, work, success.
Slicing apples Slicing apples According to one tradition of the common apple and cut in oracle determines how it will be the health of the whole family. Another tradition says that anyone cut in his apple, and learns from his own future. First Tradition: After Christmas Eve dinner Cut the apple crosswise into two equal halves. Both halves show all stolovníkům. The shape of the cores determine our destiny. If five or more chips (star), all meet in a year in health. Unsightly, or irregular vermicular cores indicate illness, unhappiness and grief. If even the shape of a cross, then someone from the present severely ill, or dies. This custom is described in the 14th century and there is no need to worry about it, select large, healthy apple. According to one tradition of the common apple and cut in oracle determines how it will be the health of the whole family. Another tradition says that anyone cut in his apple, and learns from his own future. First Tradition: After Christmas Eve dinner Cut the apple crosswise into two equal halves. Both halves show all stolovníkům. The shape of the cores determine our destiny. If five or more chips (star), all meet in a year in health. Unsightly, or irregular vermicular cores indicate illness, unhappiness and grief. If even the shape of a cross, then someone from the present severely ill, or dies. This custom is described in the 14th century and there is no need to worry about it, select large, healthy apple.
Christmas habits Christmas habits