MARRYATVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Personal Learning Plan 2016 Task 1: My Learning Capabilities Mr Leech Mrs Hudson MARRYATVILLE HIGH SCHOOL M a r r y a t v i l l e H i g h S c h o o l
MARRYATVILLE HIGH SCHOOL PLP unpacked MARRYATVILLE HIGH SCHOOL M a r r y a t v i l l e H i g h S c h o o l It is a compulsory subject you will begin now and complete in Year 10 The PLP is your first experience of SACE You need to achieve a C grade or better in the PLP to get your SACE
MARRYATVILLE HIGH SCHOOL The PLP involves 4 Tasks MARRYATVILLE HIGH SCHOOL M a r r y a t v i l l e H i g h S c h o o l Task 1. Understanding and application of the 7 Capabilities Task 2. Course counselling preparation for Stage 1 including career and work exploration Task 3. Work Experience/Snow Tour Experience Task 4. Reflection on your learning using e- folio
MARRYATVILLE HIGH SCHOOL SACE What? MARRYATVILLE HIGH SCHOOL M a r r y a t v i l l e H i g h S c h o o l The PLP is a 10 credit subject. Credits are the building blocks of SACE completion. Some SACE subjects are compulsory - a minimum C Grade is needed in these compulsory subjects. The compulsory subjects are PLP, Stage 1 English / EAL) , Stage 1 Maths and the Research Project.
Curriculum Components Compulsory Stage 1 40 Credits Compulsory Stage 2 70 Credits ‘C’ Grades or better PLP 10 Credits Research Project10 Credits Numeracy 10 Credits ‘C’ Grades or better Literacy 20 Credits Stage 2 Subjects & Courses 60 Credits Compulsory Stage 1 = 40 Credits Additional choices subjects & courses from either Stage 1 or Stage 2 Compulsory Stage 2 = 70 Credits Additional choices = 90 Credits SACE = 200 Credits 90 Credits
MARRYATVILLE HIGH SCHOOL It Starts now Preparations are done on Monday and Thursday as part of the Student Life Program and for Homework. All PLP tasks are on comdata under PLP. Open the 2016 folder for Task 1. Save a copy. MARRYATVILLE HIGH SCHOOL M a r r y a t v i l l e H i g h S c h o o l
What now? Complete the written sections Submit completed responses to HG Teacher by Friday 27th November Week 7 In Term 1 2016 your work will be returned for updating