A. B. Supplemental Figure S1
A. B. Supplemental Figure S2
Supplemental Figure S3
Supplementary Figure S4 A.B.C.
A. Colon26 B. Tubo.A5 Supplemental Figure S5
C. A. Serum drug levels (ug/ml) +/- SEM Dose (mg/kg) CmaxSteady state Cmin2 weeks post final dose ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.82<LLQ ± 4.98<LLQ 0.3<LLQ Supplemental Figure S6 B.
Supplementary Figure S7 B. A. C.
Supplementary Figure S8 Cytoskeletal reorganization and migration Tumor growth and metastasis APC Tumor Cells Endothelial Cells T cells Tumor Associated Macrophage Tumor Cells PLXNB1 Proteolytic cleavage by MT1-MMP Transactivation ErbB2 MET PDZ- RhoGEF/ or RhoGAP RhoA P SEMA4D 1 2