A Hidden Local Symmetry Theory of Dileptons in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions Gerry Brown* 4/25/08 State University of New York *G. E. Brown, M. Harada, J. W. Holt, M. Rho, C. Sasaki
Brown-Rho scaling in normal nuclei J. W. Holt et al., PRL 100 (2008)
D. Miller, Phys. Rept. 443 (2007) 55 Melting of Soft Glue and the Flash Temperature
Mesons at and above T c Degenerate SU(4) above T c Massless at T c H.-J. Park et al., NPA 774 (2006) 889 M. Asakawa et al., NPA 715 (2003) 863c
STAR 2004 Experiment Assuming equilibrium at freezeout: P. Braun-Munzinger et al., nucl-th/ peripheral at Standard scenario: many generations HLS prediction: one generation J. Adams et al, PRL 92 (2004)
HBT Stefan-Boltzmann law of radiation for massless bosons at T c Between T c and T flash hadrons propagate relatively freely Energy density at T equal defined as temperature at which mesons go back on-shell ’s ’s 1 fm to equilibrate
66 pions result at flash point 32 SU(4) Multiplet (massless at T c ) (18),a 0 (4),a 1 (27), (3), (2), = f 1285 (12) Hadronic Freedom (between T c and T flash ) G. Brown et al, PRC 74 (2006)
S. Damjanovic, NA60 Claim: Brown-Rho scaling ruled out NA60 Dileptons
Dileptons as a probe for Brown-Rho scaling Not a good probe: (1) Hadronic freedom: mass-shifted mesons don’t decay until after T flash, where most mass regained (2) Violation of vector dominance: near T c dileptons produced independent of (3) Wave function suppression (4) Phase space suppression
S. Damjanovic, NA60 mass shifted most Blue shifted hadrons T eff ( ) 300 MeV
NA60 reconstruction of on-shell S. Damjanovic, NA60 T freezeout = 110 MeV Most ’s seen are just the on-shell vacuum ones
Role of the a 1 Number of on-shell ’s doubled at flash point a 1 goes on-shell at T flash Off-shell: cut down by factor ~ ¼
Low mass pion pairs
Summary: (1) Violation of vector dominance ~ ¼ suppression (2) Kinematical factor ~ ½ that for off-shell ’s compared to on-shell ones (3) Number of on-shell ’s doubled at flash point from decay of a 1 Mass shifted off-shell ’s suppressed by a factor of ~ 1/10 compared to on-shell ’s