Celebrating Diversity in Volunteer Computing David P. Anderson Space Sciences Lab U.C. Berkeley Sept. 1, 2008
Background Volunteer computing distributed scientific computing using volunteered resources (desktops, laptops, game consoles, cell phones, etc.) BOINC middleware for volunteer (and desktop grid) computing
Diversity of resources CPU type, number, speed RAM, disk Coprocessors OS type and version network performance availability proxies system availability reliability crashes, invalid results, cheating
Diversity of applications Resource requirements CPU, coprocessors, RAM, storage, network Completion time constraints Numerical properties same result on all CPUs a little different unboundedly different
IBM World Community Grid “Umbrella” project sponsored by IBM Rice genome study: Univ. of Washington Protein X-ray crystallography: Ontario Cancer Inst. African climate study: Univ. of Capetown Dengue fever drug discovery: Univ. of Texas Human protein folding: NYU, Univ. of Washington HIV drug discovery: Scripps Institute Started Nov ,000 volunteers total 167,000 years of CPU time Currently ~170 TeraFLOPS
CPU type
# cores
OS type
Free disk space
Job error rate
Average turnaround time
Current WCG applications
Job dispatching 1M jobs schedulerclient Goals maximize system throughput minimize time to batch completion minimize time to grant credit scale to >100 requests/sec
BOINC scheduler architecture Job queue (DB) Scheduler client Feeder Job cache (shared memory) Issues: what if cache fills up with unsendable jobs? what is client needs a job not in cache?
Homogeneous replication Different platforms do FP math differently makes result validation difficult Divide platforms into equivalence classes, send instances of a job to a single class “Census” program computes distribution Scheduler: send committed jobs if possible Win/IntelWin/AMDetc. uncommitted
Retry acceleration Retries needed when: job times out error (crash) returned results fail to validate Send retries to hosts that are: fast (low turnaround) reliable Shorten latency bound of retries
Volunteer app selection Volunteers can select apps opt to accept jobs from non-selected apps
Fast feasibility checks (no DB) Client sends: hardware spec availability info list of jobs queued, in progress Resource checks Completion time check EDF simulation deadlines missed?
Slow feasibility checks (DB) Is job still needed? Has another replica been sent to this volunteer?
job Application Platform mechanism Jobs are associated with apps, not versions Win/x86Win/x64 Linux/x8 6 App versions Request message: platform 0: Win64 platform 1: Win32 Application Win/x86Win/x64 Linux/x86 App versions job
Host punishment The problem: hosts that error out all jobs Maintain M(h): max jobs per day for host h On each error, decrement M(h) On valid job, double M(h)
Anonymous platform mechanism Rather than downloading apps from server, client has preexisting local apps. Scheduler: if client has its own apps, only send it jobs for those apps. Usage scenarios: Computers with unsupported platforms People who optimize apps Security-conscious people who want to inspect the source code
Old scheduling policy Job cache scan start from random point do fast feasibility checks lock job, do slow feasibility checks Multiple scans send jobs committed to an HR class if fast host, send retries send work for selected apps is allowed, send work for non-selected apps Problems rigid policy app == 1 CPU
Coprocessor and multi-thread apps How to select the best version for a given host? How to estimate performance on the host? Win/x86 single- threaded multi- threaded CUDA
Multithread/coprocessor (cont.) How to decide which app version to use? app versions have “plan class” string scheduler has project-supplied function bool app_plan(SCHEDULER_REQUEST &sreq, char* plan_class, HOST_USAGE&); returns: whether host can run app coprocessor usage CPU usage (possibly fractional) expected FLOPS cmdline to pass to app embodies knowledge about sublinear speedup, etc. Scheduler: call app_plan() for each version, use the one with highest expected FLOPS
Multithread/coprocessor (cont.) Client coprocessor handling (currently just CUDA) hardware check/report scheduling (coprocessors not timesliced) CPU scheduling run enough apps to use at least N cores
Score-based scheduling random N rank by score feasible jobs send M highest-scoring jobs
Terms in the score function Bonus if host is fast and job is a retry job is committed to HR class app was selected by volunteer
Job size matching Goal: send large jobs to fast hosts, small jobs to slow hosts reduce credit-granting delay reduce server occupancy time Census program maintains host statistics Feeder maintains job size statistics Score penalty: |job - host| 2
Adaptive replication Goal: achieve a target level of reliability while reducing replication to 1+ε Idea: replicate less (but always some) as a host becomes more trusted Policy: maintain “invalid rate” E(h) per host. if E(h) > X, replicate (e.g., 2-fold) else replicate with probability E(h)/X Is there a counterstrategy?
Server simulation How do we know these policies are any good? How can we study alternatives? In situ study is difficult SIMBA emulator (U. of Delaware): SIMBA (emulates N clients) BOINC server (not emulated)
Upcoming scheduler changes Problems: only use 1 app version completion-time simulation is antiquated (doesn’t reflect multithread, coprocessor, RAM limitations) New concept: resource signature #CPUs, #coprocessors, RAM Do simulation based on “greedy EDF scheduling” using resource signature Select app version that can use available resources
Conclusion Volunteer computing has diverse resources and workloads BOINC has mechanisms that deal effectively and efficiently with this diversity Lots of fun research problems here!