For Poles, Christmas Eve is a time of family celebration. It's also a night of magic: Animals are said to talk in a human voice and people have the power to tell the future.
At the Christmas Eve supper, each dish had to be sampled, and a traditional meal would consist of 12 dishes. The more you ate, the more pleasure would await you in the future.
Traditional Christmas carols mainly focus on the Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus.Other Christmas songs focus on more secular Christmas themes, such as winter scenes, family gatherings, and Santa Claus.Other Christmas songs focus on more secular Christmas themes, such as winter scenes, family gatherings, and Santa Claus.
Midnight Mass, Mass pastoral - a solemn mass celebrated at night (usually at midnight or in the evening) from 24 to 25 December, the first Christmas. Midnight Mass commemorates the expectation and prayer aimed shepherds to Bethlehem. In Poland, is one of the most important Christmas tradition