1 PRODUCTION OF A MANUAL FOR STATISTICS ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS MESH PROJECT 3 rd Working Meeting Vienna, 3 rd October 2012 WP3: Draft Manual for Statistics on Energy Consumption in Households Chapter 5: From National Practices towards Comparability of Data Pilar de Arriba Segurado IDAE – General Secretary – Planning and Studies Department
2 Chapter 5: From National Practices towards Comparability of Data M ESH PROJECT : P RODUCTION OF A M ANUAL FOR S TATISTICS ON E NERGY C ONSUMPTION IN H OUSEHOLDS General comments IDAE has not received any feedback on this chapter from any MESH partners Only exception: DECC has mentioned that this chapter should be discussed and agreed among all the partners The feedback from the Technical Assistance seems to indicate a new approach for this chapter, based on the users’ needs, instead of geographical areas It’s necessary and urgent : To discuss and reach an agreement on the approach of this chapter To count on the collaboration of all the MESH partners in the elaboration of this chapter. This chapter should not be only and exclusively executed by IDAE Having made these considerations and not having received feedback from anybody so far…the proposed content for this chapter should be the initial planned as it’s shown in the following slides
3 Chapter 5: From National Practices towards Comparability of Data M ESH PROJECT : P RODUCTION OF A M ANUAL FOR S TATISTICS ON E NERGY C ONSUMPTION IN H OUSEHOLDS Structure of the chapter and proposal of contents (1): Index of ChaptersContents 1.Preliminary considerations Objective: to give an account of the general scheme which leads to a common European methodology. Issue to debate and reach consensus among the MESH partners and Eurostat Introduction to the different elements of the expected methodology which constitute the following points of the chapter 5, and interaction among them. 2.Groups of Coverage and users’ needs Brief description of the groups of coverage defined in points 3 & 4 of chapter 1 Identification of different users’ needs for information and potential development of methods in each of the groups of coverage. An interval of needs, ranging from the worst position to the best one, should be made for each group of coverage. Interest in considering all the possible necessities as a necessary condition for points 4&5.
4 Chapter 5: From National Practices towards Comparability of Data M ESH PROJECT : P RODUCTION OF A M ANUAL FOR S TATISTICS ON E NERGY C ONSUMPTION IN H OUSEHOLDS Index of ChaptersContents 3.Compendium of best practices identified to be applied Selection of some best practices identified and described in detail in chapter 4 as exemplary case studies to derive recommendations to countries according to their coverage 4.Standardized Methodologies Introduction to what is understood by a standardization of a methodology and which must be its objectives with emphasis on the following pints: “common conceptual frames”; “common names and definitions “; “coherent use of methods of data acquisition and processing” Identification and exposition of the methodologies, which take into account the circumstances and needs encountered in all the groups of coverage, with focus on TF 2008 requirements As many methodologies as necessary will be considered in order to reflect the reality 5.List of Variables and Concepts Consideration of definitions included in chapter 2. Exposition of the list of definitions, variables, and standardized concepts, corresponding to each of the group of standardized methodologies shown in point 4. (Only one set of definitions) Alternatively, the list could be moved to the point 4, leading to repetitions of definitions: a relation of methodologies with their list of respective variables and concepts. Question exposed in Madrid and pending an answer¡ Structure of the chapter and proposal of contents (2): Objective and brief description of the methodology, following the systematization in synthetic profiles of statistical methods, developed in point 1 of chapter 1 Minimum information necessary for the application of the methodology Complementary information that may be necessary to infer Complementary methods to be applied Expected results of the methodology remarking the most relevant ones for TF 2008 Strong interaction between points 4&5: Core elements of the expected European methodology
5 Chapter 5: From National Practices towards Comparability of Data M ESH PROJECT : P RODUCTION OF A M ANUAL FOR S TATISTICS ON E NERGY C ONSUMPTION IN H OUSEHOLDS Index of ChaptersContents 6.Suggestions based on Groups of Coverage Summary of lessons learnt from the experiences in energy statistics categorised in each of the groups of coverage: Strong and weak points Systematisation of main lessons and conclusions in a package of suggestions to EU countries in accordance with their coverage (group of coverage) and the standardized methodologies defined in point 4. 7.Methodologies suggested to countries belonging to Group of Coverage 1 Proposal of a set of methodologies to suggest to MMSS belonging to each of the groups of coverage in relation with the corresponding standardized methodologies available Proposal of methodologies, considering the existing interval of needs in each group of coverage Assessment of the cost/benefit of each of the proposed methodologies 8.Methodologies suggested to countries belonging to Group of Coverage 2 9.Methodologies suggested to countries belonging to Group of Coverage 3 Structure of the chapter and proposal of contents (3):
6 Chapter 5: From National Practices towards Comparability of Data M ESH PROJECT : P RODUCTION OF A M ANUAL FOR S TATISTICS ON E NERGY C ONSUMPTION IN H OUSEHOLDS Suggestions and modifications in the index and contents of chapter 5: Index of ChapterContents 1.Preliminary considerations 2.Groups of Coverage and users’ needs 3.Compendium of best practices identified to be applied 4.Standardized Methodologies 5.List of Variables and Concepts 6.Suggestions based on Groups of Coverage 7.Methodologies suggested to countries belonging to Group of Coverage 1 8.Methodologies suggested to countries belonging to Group of Coverage 2 9.Methodologies suggested to countries belonging to Group of Coverage 3
7 Thank you very much for your attention