Christian Unity Includes a Life of Adoration of The Father Eph 4:1-6
There is only one Creator The Otherness of God 1 Timothy 1:17 He is Incomparable.
God as Our Father means we are His family. (God as “Father” mentioned 6x in Ephesians) You are not an “only child”. You have brothers and sisters.
All = Not one is Missing 1 John 3:1 – What manner of love does it take to make you and me His children? “All” means “all believers,” in the context.
Isaiah 46:8-10, God is Transcendent Psalm 115:3, God is Sovereign. He will do as He wishes.
God is Immanent This means He is inherent or present throughout the universe. Job 12:10 Acts 17:25,28 Col 1:17, proving Christ is God Heb 1:3, proving Christ’s Deity The Father remains within His creation, HOWEVER...
God is distinct from His creation. Psalm 33:13,14 “From... His Place, He looks on... men.” Romans 11:33,34 His mind is separate from the earth. If you were God, then you would know God’s mind. Our God is through everything on earth, but is separate from that creation..
“God is Creator”, the Deist says and stops short of Truth. “God is in Everything”, the Pantheist says and stops short of Truth. And here, the Bible says God is actively alive in individual believers which believers comprise His family.
No One is Left Out – God is in Each Have you left out, discounted, moved from, forgotten any believers? God is in them! In You All, Paradox of Psalm 139 Same Paradox of Acts 17 He is so high above all, but so near!
2 Corinthians 6:16,18 How He gives you His undivided attention 1 John 4:12 Note that He is not giving you the standard of love, but He is the Standard of Love. Note that He is not giving you the standard of right, but He is the Standard of Righteousness. God does not just set the standard of mercy; but rather, He is the Standard of Mercy.
Who is Above All And Through All And In You All